Matt muttered a curse, "Riley, stop, wait for us, we will come with you."

"I can't stop, I don't know how long she has, besides the address is..."

Before she could finish her sentence the phone went dead. She tried to dial again with no available. "Excuse me sir," she said to the cab driver, "Is there service here?"

The man looked down at his phone, "No ma'am, no service for me. Which is odd because usually it has great service. You aren't going super remote so that's odd to have no service. I'm sure it will come back soon."

Riley sighed and sat back in her seat, "Thanks," she replied.

Matt POV

"Shit," he yelled as he tried to contact Riley again. No answer with her phone. "Lucas," he yelled as he ran through the house.

Lucas met him at the top of the stairs followed by Kaiden and Hunter. "Did you get a hold of her?" he asked.

"Yes, turns out freaking Cynthia asked her for help and Riley is on the way. She was about to give me an address but phone cut off."

"On it," Lucas said, "I can easily pull her up phone records." The guys' installed a device on Riley's phone that not only had GPS 24/7 but recorded all phone conversations and text messages. Hunter sighed and went upstairs to grab weapons while Kaiden followed Lucas to his computer set up.

Matt ran his fingers through his hair, "I'm going to wring her neck when I catch up to her," he muttered, "What were you thinking sweetheart? Please don't do anything rash."

Riley POV

The cab driver pulled up to a run down building. "Weird," she thought to herself. She got out of the cab, payed the driver and limped with her cane up to the front door. "Cynthia," she yelled as she knocked on the door, "Are you there?"

No answer. She tried the door and it was opened. She opened it and stepped inside and before she knew what was happening, a cloth went over her mouth, she tried to fight it but someone came behind her and held her still. Shortly after she blacked out.

She woke up in a dusty basement on the ground, hands tied behind her. She looked at around, there wasn't much there. "Hello," she yelled, "Anyone there?"

She heard steps from the hallway and a couple guys came into the room. "Finally you're awake," one said, "The boss will be happy."

"Who's your boss? What do you want with me? Where's Cynthia?"

The other man chuckled, "Cynthia is fine, she was a wonderful actress wasn't she?"

"What?" I don't understand," Riley stated.

"Your so called friend Cynthia agreed to work with us when we approached her for a very large sum of money."

"Well, the guys will come for me, than you will be destroyed but if you let me leave now, I can make sure they don't injure you guys."

The man scoffed, "We'll be gone long before they come. Besides, there's a couple dozen men in this area, they won't be able to take us all on."

"Why do you want me? What did I ever do to you?"

"You'll have to talk to the boss about that, not my problem. All I can tell you is that you can thank your father for this. However if you tell us where your father is hiding, we will let you go."

"I don't know, I don't even remember them. I have amnesia. I honestly can't help you. Besides even if I did know I wouldn't help you." 

"Your loss," he replied. He lifted her up off the ground and forced her to walk in front of him as he maneuvered her to the door. "Sheesh, you walk slow," he growled out. He picked her up and dropped her into a chair with wheels and wheeled her off to a waiting van. Her hands were still tied behind her so she was unable to do anything. They were about to leave when yelling and shouting happened. She heard gun shots and men fighting. She grinned her to herself knowing that helped arrived. One of the guys made it back to the vehicle and gunned it, leaving the building site. He was swerving in and out of traffic, she rolled back and forth on the ground hitting the vehicle walls. They never tied her down and so Riley felt like a loose noodle. 

"Please get to me," she sighed, "I need you guys."

Boys POV

"Fan out, show no mercy," Kaiden yelled to the guys as they scoured the area. Matt was on higher ground sniping. 

Hunter was like a madman slicing and dicing and taking people out left, right and center all while keeping an eye out for Riley. Lucas and Kaiden made their way to the inside of the building and started taking down guys. 

"Hey guys, black van eastern side, just leaving the area. High likelihood that Riley is in there," Matt said looking through his scope.

"On it," Hunter stated as he left the area and jumped into their black mustang and gunned it towards the area where the van was. Kaiden and Lucas followed behind in another vehicle while Matt stayed behind and took control of the scene. 

Hunter got the vehicle in his site and called the guys. "Vehicle just turned off onto 45th. Take 43rd and you can cut them off."

"Roger that," Lucas responded and Kaiden spun the vehicle around and went down 43rd. Hunter kept following the vehicle on the original path. 

Hunter finally caught up to the other vehicle and bumped the back a little bit trying to get it off course however he knew that Riley was probably in there and was unrestrained so they didn't want to risk injuring her. 

Kaiden pulled in front of the van and Lucas went out the window and started shooting at the wheels so that they would blow out. He was able to hit them and the vehicle came to a stop. They hopped out and Kaiden grabbed the driver and threw him to the ground before he could grab a gun. Lucas whipped open the door and saw Riley lying on the ground unconscious but breathing. He scooped her up and brought her to the vehicle Hunter was in. They put her on the back seat and Matt stayed with her while Hunter went to join Kaiden.

Hunter kicked the guy on the ground, "Talk," he yelled, " And maybe we will make this quick instead of slow."

"Screw off," the man spat as he glared up at the guys. Hunter sighed and slammed his foot down on his face while Kaiden pulled out a knife and slowly cut down on his arms followed by his legs. The man screamed in pain.

"We have to make this quick," Kaiden said, "I saw on the phone that he called for back up. We have to go."

"You're going to die anyways, you tell us what we want to know and I'll make it less painful," Hunter stated. 

"We got hired by a company saying that if we took Riley and delivered her than we would get paid very well. We used Cynthia ask a pawn."

"Cynthia?" Kaiden said, "What the hell does she have to do with this?"

"Nothing," the guy said, "The company recommended we go through her to get to Riley and she was more than happy to jump at the chance to hook up with some guys and make some money at the same time. That's all I know."

"Company name?" Hunter asked.

"Night something," The man said, "We weren't given lots of information. Now please just get it over with. I don't want to suffer."

Hunter nodded and Kaiden stepped back while Hunter put a gun to his head and shot him without a second thought. They quickly went back to the vehicles and drove to a safe spot where they could check on Riley. Matt met them there. 

Riley POV

Riley woke up with a groan, "Where am I?" she inquired.

"At a safe spot," Kaiden said softly.

"How much shit am I in?"

Lucas snorted, "A lot."

"Is everyone okay?"

"Yes. we're all fine," Matt said.

"Where's Hunter?"

"Taking a breather, he doesn't want to see you right now," said Kaiden, "He'll be back. In fact we are all a little pissed at you so just leave it for now and we will talk about it later. We are just glad you are okay sweetheart. You gave us a scare."

"I know, I know, it's just, I didn't want Cynthia to be killed."

"Oh darling, you are too trusting of the wrong people, Cynthia helped with this. Turns out they were hired by the people looking for you to bring you to them. Cynthia traded sex and money for it. Drop her now, she is not worth your time," Lucas stated.

"Okay," she said softly. They then left in silence to go back to their rooms at the school.

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