[ 009 ] breaking point.

Start from the beginning

There, they saw a dirty gray haired woman take the baby the blonde girl had been holding. "The girl from the outlet, she's the boy's sister." Michonne spoke quietly.

Theo's brows furrowed in confusion. "What?" He looked over at her.

"You don't see the resemblance?" Michonne looked at him. "And judging how he's crying, his mother is dead and she died during childbirth. Making the baby her sister as well."

"Maybe that's why she looked like a biter," Theo sighed. "Poor girl."

He was right. Odessa had looked awful. She had sunken in red eyes, bags under them, bruises along her knuckles, and she wore a long sleeve despite it being hot as hell outside.

Not long later, Rick and the other man walked into the common area. Rick approached the two and spoke, "we can tend to that wound for you, give you a little food and water, and then send you on your way. But you're gonna have to tell us how you found us and why you were carrying formula."

"The supplies were dropped by a young Asian guy with two pretty girls. One wasn't much younger than him," Michonne nodded towards Theo.

They watched Rick tilt his head backwards. He sucked in a deep breath as if trying to gather himself. Theo assumed that the girl must've been his daughter, based on how he treated the young boy— Carl. Rick was his father, making the girl his daughter.

"What happened?" Rick questioned them.

"Were they attacked?" The old man with one leg asked.

"They were taken," Theo responded.

"Taken? By who?" Rick continued to interrogate.

"By the same son of a bitch who shot me." Michonne spoke. Theo's jaw clenched.

Rick kneeled in front of them, "hey, these are our people. You tell us what happened now!" Rick reached forward and pressed his thumb into Michonne's wound.

Immediately, both Michonne and Theo were standing and ready to fight. The woman pointed his finger in Rick's face. "Don't you ever touch me again!"

The redneck pointed his crossbow at the two. "You'd better start talking. You're gonna have a much bigger problem than a gunshot wound!"

"Find 'em yourselves." Theo snarled. He did not like these two men whatsoever. Fuck the redneck one being attractive

Rick told him to lower the lethal weapon and he did so. Rick circled the two and both stood their ground. He glanced between the two. "You came here for a reason."

They shared a look. "There's a town. Woodbury," Theo finally told them. "About seventy-five survivors. That's where he took them."

"A whole town?" Rick asked him.

"It's run by the Governor," Theo stopped talking for a moment. "My dad. I'm nothing like him though. I left because he's the reason I have these." He pointed to his busted up face.

"Pretty boy, charmin', Jim Jones type," Michonne continued.

"He got muscle?" The redneck asked.

"Paramilitary wannabes. They have armed sentries on every wall," Michonne informed.

"You know a way in?" Rick glanced at Theo.

He nodded, "I can get you and out. Can't promise it'll be silent though. Causin' a ruckus would probably be better for us to get out."

"How'd you know how to get here?" Rick finally asked them.

"They mentioned a prison, said which direction it was in, that it was straight shot." Michonne answered.

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