Chapter 31: Struggle

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The two adults refused to believe what Paperjam had said! There had to be a way to escape! There just had to be! They couldn't just hold them like prisoners!

Yet, as the days went on with them being with the cannibals, they saw none of them had their guards lowered enough for even one of them to run away, let alone all three of them. Fresh had his guard lowered the most, but unlike the first time, PJ didn't try to use this to leave. He had completely accepted his fate.

Nightmare, Cross's cannibal, was very flirty and touchy. Now, he never went over the line, he knew better than that, but it was really uncomfortable for Cross. He also had to call the monster 'Senpai'. He didn't like saying it. Not because there was any bad meaning to the word itself nor did he have bad history with the word, but... Cross had an odd title kink, and he hated that Nightmare seemingly had a similar kink.

Horror was also a little touchy to Lust, but it wasn't inappropriate touching. He just liked holding onto Lu, sometimes checking his body for wounds, even though there weren't supposed to be any. He seemed more intrigued with what Lu knew and could do rather than having sex with him. And yes, he knew about Lu's medical condition, which made what he was doing stranger.

Even still, the two didn't want this attention. Sure, the attention oddly felt nice and made them feel special in a way, they didn't want to stay there! Cross was also sure that the two of them were possibly being brainwashed or the cannibals were playing the long game of making the pair of them get Stockholmed. They couldn't allow that!

One night, Cross had finally been able to sneak out, rushing away into the forest. He knew which direction the town was, so he pushed himself in that direction. He only stayed quiet when he was near the house, but once he was far enough away, he booked it. Taking them down would be hell, but they were still mortal like anyone else! They could still be killed!

Suddenly, something pierced his shoulder, making him cry out in pain. He stumbled a bit, grabbing his shoulder. Steadying himself, he looked around the dark area, yet he couldn't see what had hit him.

Gulping some, he moved back, continuing towards the town. Something dark shot out from the shadows, aiming for his leg. His kneecap more specifically.

Gritting his teeth, he threw himself to the right, lifting his leg up enough that whatever it was, only slashed at his calf. Yet, this movement, forced him to fall to the ground. He hissed some as the jolt caused new pain to form in his body.

"You shouldn't try that again, Pet." Nightmare slowly stepped into the moonlight, his usually laughing eye serious and dangerous. "I thought the stab to your shoulder would've made you reconsider. I guess not." He sounded slightly annoyed.

Cross scowled at Nightmare, pushing himself to his feet as much as he could. He stumbled back a little as the pain in his leg tried to force him back to the ground. He refused to show this monster his belly!

"If you don't want a disobedient pet, then kill me already." He snapped, sliding his feet along the ground to move back. He knew what he was doing. He was either going to die ruthlessly trying to get away or irritate the cannibal enough for him to lose focus.

Nightmare stared at the other, narrowing his eye some before a cruel like smirk formed on his face. The tentacles on his body raised high in the air. Because they were covered in the same drippy tar like substance, they blended into the background almost smoothly. Night knew his little pet wasn't just watching his body, but his tentacles as well. What a smart pet~

"You're too fun and adorable to kill so heartlessly~ Even the most annoying bitch can be trained to obey their master given enough time~ Reward and~" There was a gleam in Nightmare's eye that made Cross feel sick. "Punishment~"

Deliciousजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें