Jacob glares. "Don't be so damn rude."

Nora raises her eyebrows, her arms slowly dropping to her sides with her hands in tense fists. "Ru- are you kidding me? You're the one coming into the house uninvited, calling me 20 times a day and oh, and let's not forget, using me as a pawn in your game!"

"That's my kid! I deserve to know whats going on!" He yells.

"You don't deserve shit!" Nora snaps. "You don't get to call me any time you feel sad, we aren't friends anymore! I am not yours to claim just because I'm having a kid that is half yours. It's my body and mine only. You have no claim over over - your part doesn't start until this kid arrives. It would be great if you pissed off until Cheveyo arrives."

"Cheveyo? You named him without me?" Jacob frowns deeply. "Don't I get a say? What if I don't like that name? I wanna call the kid something else."

"What if I never wanted kids? What if I don't like that this child is half you? I didn't get a say." Nora shakes her head. "He is called Chevy."


"Yes! He's in my body. I have to carry him for the next 4 months and push him out. I get to name him."

"He is just as much mine as he is yours!"

"You're lucky I'm even letting you be apart of his life!" Nora throws her hands up. "What you did is unforgivable but my son deserves two parents so I'm doing it for him!"

"Why does everyone feel they have a right to comment on my actions." Jacob snaps angrily; it's now that his anger has reached a point beyond his control again and he begins to shake.

Nora scoffs as she laughs without humour. "I wonder... maybe because your actions don't just affect you anymore. Anything you do just hurts those around you - usually me." She snaps. She grabs her keys and jacket heading out. She'd rather not drive so soon after recovering from being so unwell but she doesn't want to be near him.

Jacob follows. "Don't walk away from me. We are in the middle of talking."

"Talking? You think this is talking? You're manipulating the situation to get your way. You want me to kneel down and apologise for naming my son or for being ill. I didn't want kids, Jake, not ever. My health had to come first and I wanted a career and I wanted to move away and travel but I can't do that anymore." She tears. "You took all that choice away from me, all that freedom. I get this is your son but if you wanted more say you should have thought about the consequences. Waited for the right girl."

"I didn't plan on this!" He snaps.

"No you didn't, I know!" Nora throws her things in the rabbit as she wipes her cheeks. "But you also didn't think of the consequences. We've gone over this a thousand times. Yes, we both consented. But you used the fact I was so smitten with you to trick me into sex without considering all the things that go with it, such as protection. And this is the result." She rubs her tummy. "You took everything from me. I have nothing else to give you except my son and I'm not giving that up. I didnt want this but it's the hand I've been dealt and I won't let you take my son. Chevy deserves the best chance in life and I'm starting to think that's as far away from you as he can possibly be. Away from me." She whispers, climbing in the car.

Jake stays frozen in shock as she drives away. Wait... does that mean she's giving him away? Before Jake can chase the car down, she's gone. He runs into the trees to phase, hoping to find a way to follow her but he's too late - and she's too smart to take an obvious route.


Nora sits in a diner miles from Forks, a cold cup of coffee in her hand. She just sits staring at a mark on the table as she has been the last few hours.

"You alright hon?" The older waitress asks as she passes, one hand holding a mug and the other in her apron pocket.

Nora blinks a little and looks up, forcing a smile. "I'm good, thanks."

She sets the mug down for Nor, a fresh cup of hot coffee. She takes the cold one. "On me, doll."

Nora wraps her hands around the warm cup. "Thank you."

"You look like you've got the weight of the world on those shoulders. Penny for your thoughts?" She offers.

Nora takes a deep breath. "I'm just... trying to figure out what the best move is. For my son." She absentmindedly touches her tummy.

The lady sits down opposite Nora in the booth. "Oh darlin, you thinkin of adoption?" Nora gives a small nod. "That's a good option, for sure." The woman nods; her little name tag says 'Carrie'.

"It is?" Nora asks, surprised.

Carrie nods. "It is. But only if there is absolutely no doubt in your mind." She reaches over the table and gives her hand a gentle squeeze.

"How do I know... if I'm sure?"

"If you gotta ask, honey, then I don't think you're sure." Carrie says gently. "Is there no father?"

"There is... but..." Nora sighs.

"Is he not good?" Carrie frowns gently.

Nora shakes her head. "No... yes... he's not been good to me." She says slowly. "But I have no doubt in my mind he'd try harder with our son. Yet... part of me wants my son to grow up entirely away from his influence so he doesn't get the chance to be treated like me."

"You can't guarantee he'll have a better life that way, hon." Carrie points out. "You are in control here, remember that. Don't let your fear and past dictate your sons future and experiences. You can make his so much better."

Nora smiles a little. "That's true..."

"You can give that boy the world. Even if his father is no good. He'll learn. And he'll always remember who is momma is." She squeezes Nora's hand as she stands. "I'll bring you over some pancakes, you look like you need't eat."

Nora blushes deeply as she watches Carrie go to the kitchen. She sits back and looks at her tummy, running both hands over it. "I'm sorry I ever thought of giving you away." She whispers quietly. How could she ever give him away when she gets to spend the next few months feeling him kick and grow?

"Here darlin." Carrie sets a plate of fluffy pancakes down with some cutlery. "There's a tough lookin guy walkin in now... is that him? Do I gotta get rid?"

Noras heart skips but slows when she looks over to see Edward heading over. "No, he's my brother. Thank you, Carrie. For everything."

Irish twins | b.swanOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora