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I didn't go home that night I didn't want to see or talk to anyone not Peter, not Gwen not even mum so I decided to sleep in an abandoned alleyway nor did I go to school for two weeks I needed to sort myself out and be by myself, did I run away? I guess I did but I don't see it like that.

The next day

I walk into school and immediately most people's eyes were wide in shock and astonishment, of course I was expecting it I was a gonner for two weeks straight but also whilst having a breakdown I decided a change of style and personality would be in order,
I wasn't going to let anyone mess up my life or let anyone in my life ever again,

Second person

You walk through the halls your head up high ignoring all the funny looks, your converse that turned into doc martins slapping the floor, your what used to be checkered pink skirt and white tights is now black ripped skinny jeans and a black belt and your once lavender purple love heart t shirt became a black oversized tee with a grey picture of AC/DC on the front, you liked listening to rock and punk rock a lot lately guess it's part of the personality change, you traded your angel gem necklace for a chain n' lock necklace and your (hair colour) hair became a deep shade of black with lime and dark green streaks of highlights, wavy and cut to just below shoulder length.

You were a completely different person but that's what you wanted and you knew you never wanted to look back you planned to go home today after seeing a missing persons report on the news this morning with a picture of you you didn't think what upset you would cause peter and may you just wanted to be alone but now it was time to go back home, first school.

You saw Gwen but walked straight passed her with a smirk on your lips and hers wide open unable to speak or walk.

First person

I walked into math just in time for the bell which means Gwen was gonna be late which she never was ever in her life but it has to happen someday I guess, I sat down next to my dear cousin who without looking up spoke,
"Sorry someone sits-"
He looked up seeing it's me he almost cried,
Tears were threatening his eyes, after two weeks without seeing my beloved cousin you'd think I would also be crying but none came, i felt stone cold.

I ignored him for the rest of the lesson I ignored almost everyone for the rest of the lesson until..
I got hit with a paper ball I opened it up it read:
'What happened to you?'
I looked around for the person a boy with brunette hair and blue eyes looked at me curiously but with a sweet smile, I gave him a dirty look as if to say what do you mean by that!, he didn't react he just gave me another note,
'You used to be so kind and gentle but now I see you pushing people over in the corridor and you look different'
I didn't answer to the statement just put,
'Who do you think you are?!'
He rapidly wrote back on the same but if paper,
'My names dusty'

It was a nice sweet name I wrote back in more angelic handwriting than rough,
'Hello dusty.'

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