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Lena was miserable. 

this was not an understatement, she quite literally could not handle herself. In the past, Lena hadn't really seen herself as the type of person to be clingy in a relationship..

until Kara.

Kara had shown her that she was worthy of all the love and compassion that Lena hadn't received early in her life and well, it had really affected her. 

Because Kara had been on a business trip, for a whole week, and Lena was not thriving. logically, it would be amazing for her career and it was a good thing, but Lena wasn't thinking logically, it had been six days, she needed her girlfriend. 

She slumped down on the couch in Kara's apartment, where she had been staying. She could go home to her apartment, but why would she? Kara had given her a key months ago and everything here smelled like Kara and... yeah, Lena was in deep. 

Kara was getting back tomorrow, well, today, considering it was currently four in the morning. Lena had tried to fall asleep, but after hours of no success she ended up just settling on Kara's couch, wrapped up in one of Kara's hoodies. She sighed, she was basically counting the minutes, no, seconds, until she could leave for the airport to pick up Kara. Her flight got in at 10 so, six hours. Yup, Lena was going to die. 

She got up and went to the coffee maker and made herself an extra large cup, she knew it wouldn't do much but it was worth a shot. She gulped it down in a matter of minutes before retreating back to the couch and turning on the tv, it seemed like the only way to pass the time since Jess had basically suspended Lena from working after seeing how tried and well, miserable she was when she came into work the day before. 

She flipped to a random channel and stared blankly at the tv, not truly paying attention to what was playing and finally after what felt like weeks, it was 8:30, good enough. 

She lifted herself off the couch, feeling the ache of not sleeping for days. She brushed her teeth and let her hair out of the messy bun it had been in, decidedly not putting on any makeup or changing out of the sweatpants and hoodie that belonged to Kara that she had been wearing for... a long time. 

She probably looked pathetic, Lena Luthor, not emotionally stable because her girlfriend had to go away for one week, ONE WEEK, but in her defense, it felt like months. 

She decided against calling her driver, instead opting to drive herself, probably not safe considering her lack of sleep but she couldn't really care less right now. She left around nine-thirty, getting to the airport at nine-fifty five, perfect timing. 

She slowly got out of the car and walked to the entrance of the airport, praying that no one would recognize her, she couldn't handle that right now. 

She felt her phone buzz in her hand, smiling immediately when a text from Kara popped up reading  'just landed!!'. 

She walked up to the gate that Kara's flight was exiting from right as people started to pile out the doors, kids and family members running to greet their loved ones. 

Lena frowned, of course Kara wasn't there yet. She was probably helping little old ladies get off the flight safely, Kara and her godamn kindness. 

Just as Lena cursed Kara again for being so stupidly kind, out walked Kara, in all her glory, and it took everything in Lena, and she means everything, not to run up and jump into her arms. So she awkwardly started speed walking which turned into a run very quickly and threw herself into Kara, earning an 'oof' before Kara could realize what was happening. 

"Hey baby" Kara chuckled, pulling Lena face back so that she could give her a kiss. Lena felt her body flood with relief, her girlfriend was back, and it was okay. At that, she dug her face into Kara's neck and basically had a death grip on her. 

Kara chuckled again, understanding without even having to ask, let Lena just lay there for a bit longer before softly suggesting they head out. Once receiving a small nod from Lena, she linked their hands and began walking outside. As they walked, Kara got a better look at her girlfriend.

"Oh Lena, baby, when's the last time you slept?" Kara asked softly, taking in Lena's tired demeanor and the dark circles that took place right under her eyes. Lena sighed,

"I don't know" Lena answered honestly, she genuinely couldn't remember.

"I'm sorry sweetie" Kara sighed cupping Lena's face with her hands and placing a kiss on her forehead. Lena let out a yawn and shook her head,

"'s not your fault" Lena said, her tiredness really catching up to her. They arrived at the car, Kara getting into the drivers seat without even having to ask. She held the wheel with one hand and took Lena's hand in the other, sensing that she needed the contact. 

After 20 minutes or so, they arrived back at Kara's apartment, Kara parked the car and went around to open the door for Lena who's eyes were now fighting to stay open. Kara couldn't help but let a little chuckle escape, sleepy Lena was always the cutest.

She held her girlfriends hand as they walked upstairs to her apartment. When she unlocked the door, she was greeted by the sight of her apartment, mostly dark with a few lights turned on. She switched one or two lights on before leading Lena to the bedroom and throwing her bag onto the floor. She told herself she would unpack it later, making Lena her priority. 

She laid down on the bed, taking Lena with her, she situated herself so that she was the big spoon and felt Lena immediately relax as she was pulled into Kara's strong arms. 

"It's ok baby, go to sleep, you're okay" Kara whispered gently, and with that, Lena was out, gentle snores escaping her every few seconds. Kara smiled lightly and decided to get some rest for herself, letting her eyes fall closed. 


When Kara awoke a few hours later, Lena was still asleep. Kara gently extracted herself from Lena, careful not to wake her. She stopped at the bathroom before heading to the kitchen to make Lena something to eat, knowing that she probably also didn't eat much while she was gone. 

Just as Kara finished making Lena some pancakes, with a side of kale salad (begrudgingly of course, but only because she loved her) Lena padded sleepily out of the bedroom, one hand reaching to her face to rub her eyes. She smiled as soon as she saw Kara, walking over to place a kiss on her lips. Kara smiled into the kiss before pulling away and pointing to the food, smiling as she 'sternly' told Lena to "eat".  Lena smiled, 

"thanks baby" she said, taking a bite of her salad, smiling as Kara sat down next to her. They talked for a bit while Lena ate, just enjoying each others company. Once Lena was done, they migrated to the couch, Kara wrapping her arms around Lena again, grateful that she now had a few days off work to spend with her girlfriend. 

"Kara" Lena said, suddenly in a serious tone.

"hmm?" Kara responds.

"I love you, but you're never going on a business trip again" Lena says, cracking a small smile.

And Kara agrees, yup, definitely never going on a business trip again, 

"I love you"

"I love you too"

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