all the lonely people

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*You don't know nick your not even from shadyside of Sunnyvale , your from Hawkins Indiana , a place where people went missing*

I just moved to Sunnyvale Ohio
I heard the town next to Sunnyvale is really bad I'm pretty sure it's called shadyside
In Hawkins it was pretty bad it can't be worst right?
It's my first day at Sunnyvale high I'm pretty nervous cause my first class is math and no one likes math

I leave my house and begin walking to the school it only takes like 20 minutes to get to the school
When I got to the school I heard people whispering about a massacre that happened in '78 in shadyside
There was one kid and his name was nick Goode I'm pretty sure
And apparently he's pretty popular

I get to my locker and of course the bell rings as soon as I go to my locker

I get to math after getting lost I was like 10 minutes late but it's okay no one likes math class

"Ah you must be y/n"

I wanted to say who else could I be but I wanted to be nice cause yeah


"Nick raise your hand"

A guy in the back raises his hand was that nick Goode?

I go to the seat that was next to him

"Hey I'm nick"

"I'm y/n"

"You new here"

"No I've been living here since 190 bc"

"Very funny"
"Are you new here though"


"Well uh I can give you a tour"

"Ok whatever"
I put my hood on and lay my head down

The bell rings and now it was time for science

I go to my locker and Nick's was close to mine
Probably like 3 lockers away

"Oh hey y/n"

"Hey Nick"

We talk for a bit then the bell rings
He had a different class but he showed me where science was

"I'll be here when the bells rings for lunch ok"


I walk in and sit next to a girl
I'm pretty sure her name was Sheila

I don't care for science either so I did the same thing  I did in math

The bell rang and the teacher let us leave
And I saw nick

"I have a test in science tomorrow"

"We can study together at my house"


              Skip to the end of the school day cause I'm lazy

"Let's go"

"So do you live alone"

"Yes and no , my brother is at collage and my mom is never home"


"Where are you from I never got to ask that"

"I'm from Hawkins Indiana"

"Oh damn didn't like a kid go missing there"


"Well in shadyside there was massacres and like every ten years there's new killers"

"I was in the latest"

"Camp Nightwing 1978"


"Anyways we're here"

He opened up the door and led me to his room

I sat on his bed and he sat down next to me

"Let's start now"

"Wait you have a hair let me fix it"


He touched your lips cause some hair was there

"You have soft lips"

"Thanks I guess?"

He leaned in slowly and kissed me

I was hesitant to kiss back but I did
It was slow
He was a good kisser my god

He went down to my neck and started kissing there

How was I gonna hide that

He found a spot I didn't want him to find so fast

I let out a slight moan

He pulled away from my neck

"May I?" He had his finger on the band of my shorts

"You may" I said

He took them off so fast , I blinked and they were off

He then took off my shirt and I forgot I wasn't wearing a bra
He smirked then smiled

He licked his finger and put it on my clit moving it slowly then speeding up and slowing down teasing me

I moaned louder and louder

He stopped and took off his pants and underwear and slammed himself into me

He kissed me to hold back my moans

I felt so good

He put his thumb on my clit rubbing it hard

He pulled out and laid down and told me to go into his face

I did

As soon as I did I felt my slit getting licked

I moaned.

A lot.

My legs were shaking as I came

I fell off of him and laid down next to him.

Was he done? I hope not

"Babygirl were not done yet"

He put me onto his dick and started moving my hips and making them go up and down

I felt so good
My boyfriend from Hawkins never made me feel like this

He came in me.
I'm on the pill so I'm good

"Shit are you on the pill?"

"Yeah" i said out of breath

"That wasn't very much studying was it?"

"My test was on sex so it was studying"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"


He then kissed me and we put our clothes back on and he drove me home

Nick goode smuts ( 1979-1980)Where stories live. Discover now