*¨*• It's just, I wish I could speak. Pt 1.✧*。

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         The term " communication disorder" describes a cluster of symptoms that cause people to experience difficulty interacting with others.

        Those suffering from this disorder may appear unfriendly.

                                            But the truth is.....

                                         .....that while they appear standoffish..

                                    ... they actually want to have relationships.


Itan Private High School is an elite prep school.

'Wow  i'm surprised I got in! I mean i'm pretty ordinary, not much is special about me. But let's just focus on the good things!'

                                                                               'and not the negative...'

As I walked through the hallway, looking around for home room AND  familiar faces, but saw almost none. 'Wow, I know nobody here...' 

                       As I walked into class I sat behind this BEAUTIFUL girl, and this other guy he seems nice enough to be friends with me. The teacher hasn't arrived at so I looked around class looking for people I know, I found.....

         'NAJIMI OSANA?'

I should get up and greet him!

"Hey Najimi!"

He looked up at me and smiled,

"Hello Y/N! It's been awhile, hasn't it?"

As I listened to him talk I realized he was wearing the girls uniform? 

"Hey Najimi... Why are you wearing the girls uniform, I thought you were a male? Since you always wore the male uniform in junior high."

"Ohh, yeah this? Don't mind it! Gender doesn't matter to me!"

Oh... Eh whatever gender is gender be what you wanna be!

"Oh mkay! I don't mind, so Najimi what have you been doing all of these years?"

"Nothing much" Najimi responds.

Me and Najimi talked for a few more minutes until the teacher came in and told us to sit down, as I returned to my seat I thought about how I was glad that I knew someone! I sat down and noticed that EVERYONE has been fawning over the beautiful girl in front of me, and glaring at the boy who sat next to her.

"Introduce yourselves " The teacher spoke.

"Y/N L/N" I spoke.

A few girls blushed, the next person who introduced her self was Agari, she seems nice nut she was very VERY shy. The beautiful girl in front of me was next. She just stood up and stared, and walked very slow, she finally got up to the board and wrote her name down.

                                                                         Shoko Komi 

"Next. Neeeext." The teacher spoke.

" Um, Im HitoHito Tadano. I'm looking forward to this year. I'm really good at reading the room."

People glared at him at whispered about him.

                                                              Part 2 coming soon


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