"It is done, my lady"

"Alright, leave my nightgown here and leave"

"yes, my lady" the three of them bow and leave her alone.

  The girl slowly goes into her bath that is carefully prepared for her. A warm bath with roses and petals everywhere.

"I'm gonna miss this"

   What does she mean by that?

"Now that everything is almost done, I'll leave this ugly place and go somewhere else" she grinned.

  Y/n winterbloom, a famous firstborn of the twin from Duke of Winter. They live isolated from the rest of the others but everyone knows about them.

The Duke is the respectable Person to everyone and being the heir to his place, y/n was shoulder with everything and the same expectation that they all have on her Father.

But in truth, the true heir is her twin brother who was weak from birth, that is why she was in her brother's place to secure the chair of the Duke for him.

She learn the truth when she was 11 years old and because of that...she sometimes has a twisted personality.

Does she ever hate her brother? No, never. More like she was happy to learn the truth, she hated the expectations that had on her, she has a twisted personality because of everyone around her.

But her brother never get better, and because of that, no one had believed in him to take the role of a duke.

'And because of that, I had to do double the work. To manage the palace and find a cure for him!' she slashes the water everywhere.

Did her hard work pay off? Yes, she finds a cure for her brother, "which is FINALLY!!" her brother's health is getting better and better as the days go by to the point of taking lesson for the role of a Duke.

"And my work finally goes back down" she plays with the water in her bathtub, feeling a little happy from it.

Knock* Knock*

Ahh...her mood is ruined.

"Who is it?"

"Y/n it's me Aldian" a male voice "may I come in?"

'Speak of the devil'

"Oh? Wait outside"


"I'm taking a bath, what's you want?" she shouted

"Alright I'll wait in your room"

She gets up from her bathtub and put on a rope, she opens the bathroom door to see a male version of herself sitting on her couch.

"You're out!" he beams.

"I am, but I can go back in if you want"

"Haha.." he nervously laughs

"So what do you want this late at night? My dear little brother" she walks toward her brother and takes a seat across from him.

"We were born the same day, do you have to call me little brother" he pouted.

"I come out first," she said

"By 10 seconds!!" he protests

"Still first" she shrugs

"Ah..." her brother deadpan "it would be great if you drop Father's personality"

"Same goes for you, drop Mother's personality. I can't stand that"

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