Chapter 6 - Attraction

Start from the beginning

"Worry not, it's no fun for me to kill someone who is still recovering" the assassin whispered in his ears, finally moving away from Bai Feng.

"Looking forward to seeing you again~" teased Xiao Tian as he quickly dragged the other assassin away, leaving the still-glaring Bai Feng.

As the assassins disappeared into a dark corner, away from people's watch, Xiao Tian leaned over to the seemingly unconscious assassin.

"I know you're awake" sing-songed Xiao Tian causing the novice assassin to quiver slightly.

"You chose the wrong target tonight. No one steals MY prey. Any last words?"

But before the novice assassin even said anything, his throat was already slit open.

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A few days later, Bai Feng's servants caught wind of their young master being stalked, causing them to panic even more. The golden-eyed man sighed, expressing that he is grateful to have their concern but explained that there was no need to be overly anxious.

Although Bai Feng had to admit that being targeted ever since he returned from seclusion has been tough. It is tiring to always stay vigilant, unable to fully rest even when sleeping or just taking a stroll.

But this is his reality

If Bai Feng lets his guard down too much, it would be the end of him.

As the golden-eyed man walked through a narrow alley, a group of men jumped down from the rooftops and surrounded Bai Feng. Now highly alert, the cedar-haired man swiftly unsheathed his sword, and immediately a fight ensued.

Xiao Tian was watching the scene unfold, monitoring Bai Feng's movements. It was lackluster at best. He missed how beautiful the stoic man fought that night when they last sparred.

"Seems like you're in a pinch." Xiao Tian said as he jumped down from the rooftop.

The balance quickly toppled with the masked assassin joining Bai Feng's forces. The duo surprisingly fought well together, despite the side glances they always do to ensure that the other won't attempt a move against them.

"You sure are popular huh~" teased the assassin. It's not even from the organization this time.. the onyx-haired man thought.

"Why are you helping me?" Bai Feng raised his sword against Xiao Tian. But the long-haired beauty quickly winced as he felt a twinge on his abdomen.

"I won't allow you to die just yet.. After all, I'll be the one to assassinate you." Xiao Tian grabbed Bai Feng's wrist and lowered his sword down.

The long-haired beauty quickly yanked his hand away and sheathed back his sword, then he wordlessly walked past Xiao Tian towards the direction of his manor.

"Not even a thank you?" the assassin asked while following the ivory robe-cladded man.

"Quit stalking me." the golden-eyed man glared as he turned to face Xiao Tian once again.

"And why should I agree?" teased the assassin.

"Just come face me like your previous attempts. There is no need for words between us, let our blades do the talking."

Xiao Tian watched as Bai Feng's figure got further and further away. The golden-eyed man could never cease to entertain him. What a lovely toy.. the assassin thought in amusement.

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