22- you're my angel

Start from the beginning

"Do you know what I wanna be when I grow up mum ? I wanna be you. You're the strongest person I know. I don't understand why you stayed with dad, but you did, and I know I was raised by the most amazing person I could've been." A tear almost formed in her eye, a small bead that showed how much I meant to her right there and then.

"Hurt is a ridiculous thing... an awful thing. You know that. Everyone wants it to magically go away. That's why I stayed with him. I knew my limit before I met your father. If a man ever hit me I'd leave right away. But after how sorry he was the first time, I gave him another chance. I lowered my limit. I did the second time too. It was another mistake. And I did the third, and the fourth, until it's been years of abuse. So what's another couple of years ? It can't get worse. And then you end up like me. Never lower your limit sweetheart. Even when it comes to Roger... know how much you're worth. Don't end up like me. When I'm gone you better not dare come back here."

"You're not going anywhere just yet, I promise." I reassured her, lightly kissing her cheek as my eyes caught the clock on the wall behind her. "Shit.. I've gotta go, but I'll be back later and you can tell me everything about whatever's going on in that crazy head of yours."

"Ok... I love you angel."

"I love you too mum."


"Thank you so much for working with me." Natalie smiled falsely, shaking my hand as I nodded hesitantly. "It's been so lovely to meet you. You're um... interesting. You're personality is very different from what I expected."

"Yeah it's been fun... not my cup of tea though. Good luck with your career, I expect I'll see you on the tv some time soon." I replied, releasing her slightly sweaty hands as I slid my bag over my shoulder, preparing to leave the set I'd hated being on for the past few weeks.

It wasn't the worst job on the world, but I would never come close to being the best. The days were long and the people were so false you could never trust a word they said, and I wasn't exactly that enthusiastic about being there.

"Thank you so much Adelynn. I hope we could work together again in the future." The producer thanked me, taking my hand in his to shake it as his eyes fell up and down my frame for what I hoped was the last time. "I'll give the details about the release date and all the other bits to Mel."

"Thank you." I nodded, letting go of his hand quickly before turning on my heel and walking about the door id wanted to for the entirety of the past few days. A wave of relief crashed over me as I did, every step I took being one further away from the distraction that had been acting.

The job did what it was meant to. It distracted me, kept my thoughts focused on the script and way my eyes had to look at the actor stood opposite from me rather than Roger. But what my mum said didn't stay off my mind at all.

I drove home as quickly as I legally could, desperately wanting to treasure the last few hours I could with mum, hoping dad would be out drinking and snorting whatever he did. It was easier being there when he wasn't, but when he came home in the state he did it wasn't exactly fun.

I soon enough found myself shutting the car door behind me after only just opening it, padding up the drive and walking through the door to find unexpectedly my dad sat on the couch. He had a bottle in his hand, a powered white tray besides him and his mouth hung open lazily.

"Where's mum ?" I mumbled, my eyes tracing the floor as I shut the front door behind my and hung my bag on the nearest peg.

"Hospital, with Kim. Nothings happened... they're just doing some checks or something... I wasn't really listening." He slurred, the drink in his hand being tossed around dramatically in his grasp with each word. I rolled my eyes, sighing slowly with a slight worry for mum, but more a fear of being left alone in house with dad.

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