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Trailer to the Chapter is the video :)

Russian Hydra Base 

Wanda's POV

Tony- Holy Shit guys, this place is huge.

Steve- Remember why were here

Nat- yeh yeh save the hostages, kill some Hydra scum 

Steve- well try not to kill people but sure, *he says while breaking down a door to find a corridor full of rooms*

This looks so familiar wait as these cells.


I can hardly move the last beating really did a number on me,

I hear my cell door open to reveal a blonde haired man and a brunette woman

???- Guys we have someone in bad shape in this cell is the jet ready tell Fury to get his teams ready 

Y/N- wwho are you?

???- I am Steve and this is Wanda were Avengers 

Y/N- Steve as in Steve Rogers...... Bucky *I pass out into his arms*

Steve's POV

Steve Over coms- Tony he knows Bucky 

Tony Over coms- well he can come back to the tower 

Bruce Over coms- I can help him while were on the jet however Tony get your medics ready 

Tony Over coms- on it

How does he know Bucky?

Wanda- we need to go now 

Steve- ok ok I've got him, come on kid lets get you out

he's so small and looks like he hasnt eaten in days 

we get to the get 

Steve- here Bruce he's here 

Bruce- lay him down here.

~Time Skip~

At the compound 


Bruce- okay thank you ill set the IV up now

Nurse- ok we will check on him every two hours  

Bruce- thank you

The Nurse leaves so its just me and Bruce

Y/N- when do I go to my cell

Bruce- huh you're not going to a cell

Y/N- I'm not *I whisper*

I wince in pain trying to get up 

Bruce- whoa slow down sit back down, Steve wants to see you can I let him in.

I silently nod   

Bruce opens the door to leave and Steve walks in with a familiar face

Y/N- Bucky!

Bucky- Y/N I thought you got killed *he says while hugging me*

Y/N- I know I'm sorry 

Bucky- no no its ok. where did they take you the night I left?

Y/N- I finally got my brand. 

Steve and Bruce's conversation

Steve- so how is he

Bruce- well obviously cuts, scrapes and bruising, he also has a few broken ribs and a broken leg apart from that he's in pretty good a bit under weight which is masked by muscle so I tried to set up an IV but he had a panic over the needle.

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