Part 1

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Jungkook Pov
I woke up feeling excited my mom married someone and I'm meeting my step brother. After a bit I got changed and went downstairs.

I went in the kitchen and mom was cooking

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I went in the kitchen and mom was cooking.
Hi mom
Why so much food
Mom:Oh they are coming today before breakfast
Oh ok. After a bit the door opened and I saw my step dad and someone really handsome.

He is so handsome

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He is so handsome.
Tae:Hi I'm Taehyung
Hi I'm Jungkook
Tae:Cute name
Omg he called me cute. My face got red and I looked down. Why am I feeling like this.
They sat down and we ate.
Mom:Show him his room
Oh ok come on Taehyung. We went upstairs and while going upstairs I noticed him staring at me.
Tae: Huh nothing
We went to his room.
This is your room
Tae: Where's yours
Oh the door farthest from everyone
I went in my room and went on my phone and I played some games.
Taehyung Pov
He is so cute and he seems so innocent. It just makes me want to ruin it. And his ass was so big why is he doing this to me. I went in my room and I put my overwatch posters on the wall and I set up my PS4 and my computer. I keep thinking about him. I'm definitely going to ruin him.

Innocent Step Brother Where stories live. Discover now