Chapter 1 - The Gift Ceremony

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"Mirabel," I said.


"W-what happens if I don't get my gift?"

"What are you talking about?! Of course, you'll get a gift! Why wouldn't you?"

"Well, do I deserve gift?"

"Camilo! You are the best cousin I could ever have! You play with me!" 

Dolores walks in.

"Camilo! Abuela says, it's time." she said.

I got up from the bed me and Mirabel were sitting on. She looked at me with a sweet smile, then followed me. 

I saw my soon-to-be door, with Abuela next to it. She was looking so proud, holding the candle. My mama and papa were also looking very happy. 

"Mama, why are you crying??" I asked. She just smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek. 

"Camilo, you are going to receive an extraordinary gift, because you are an extraordinary child. Now let's go get ready downstairs! The guests will be arriving soon!" Abuela exclaimed. 

I walked downstairs with my mother as she clutched my hand tightly. I was so excited. 

Dusk fell, and the whole Encanto gathered in our lovely Casita. By the second hour, it was time. 

Mama and Papa were standing at the doorway next to Abuela and Dolores. Abuela was looking so excited.

Suddenly, I felt my palms get sweatier. The spotlight dawned on me, and I started to panic. I looked around for anyone to help me, but everyone was already upstairs.  I saw Mirabel peeking out from the wall. I looked at her with some help me! looks, but she just mouthed you can do it. 

"I can't." I whispered. "Please!" 

Mirabel then came out and held my hand. Abuela looked at me with a confused look, but just nodded it off. We began to walk. I felt everyone's eyes on me. I clutched her hand tighter as we walked up the stairs. 

"Camilo Madrigal. Do you promise to use your powers for the community and help out in whatever way you can?" Abuela recited. 

"Yes." I spoke. I slowly reached out for the candle. My fingertips touching the soft wax. I slowly took it away. I paused for a second. I glanced around the room. All the people who love me were there by my side. I looked at Mirabel and she smiled and nodded. I then touched the doorknob, closing my eyes in hope for a wonderful gift. I opened my eyes to see...

...My door was lighting up! I was so excited. I couldn't wait to try out my new gift!

Suddenly, the banner fell. My Tio Bruno tried to fix it but failed. My Tia Julieta tried, but she needed a little help. I found myself transforming into my Tia and fixing the banner. Then I transformed back.

The imagery on my door became clear. 

"We have a new gift!" Abuela announced. The crowd starting whooping and cheering! 

I started grinning a whole lot. My Mama pulled me in for a tight hug as slight rain fell onto the door. 

Pitter, Patter

Mirabel came and hugged me so tight!

"Camilo! You did it..." she whispered.

I opened my door to see a whole entire fantasy of mirrors and people. Everyone came inside, and we started to dance and laugh to the music!

I was shapeshifting into everyone and anyone I saw. I knew my powers were going to do good in the Encanto!

Announcement: Yay! Chapter one has finally been released! It's a pretty short chapter, but I tried to make it as detailed and descriptive as I could! I hope yall are totally excited for this new series as I am!!

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