Chapter 3 - Camilo's newfound arrogance.

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Warning: if you are going to criticize me about how Camilo's isn't like this, please don't :)

Warning: The following scenes might be a little viewer sensitive 

I sprinted up the flights of stairs and ran into my room. As I flopped down on my bed, I felt something. It was smooth, but rough. I looked up and saw a price of crumpled paper. I opened it up, just curious to see.

I read the following words:

Dear Camilo, 

I'm really sorry that I did something to your sister. I didn't mean it. I'm pretty sure you know why... Anyways you're going to be the first person I tell this to, but I am going on a quest to save the magic! I was wondering, if you want to help me. 



"Was she insane?! She upset my sister, for this?! The magic isn't dying! Antonio just got his gift yesterday!!" I thought to myself. I marched on over to the candle and saw it. It was fine. Then I went to Mirabel's room, and without even knocking I barged in

"Camilo!" She yelped. "Knock first please! You gave me a scare!"

"I don't care. You need to tell me what nonsense this is!" I spoke. I held up the piece of paper in her face.

"Y-you weren't supposed to see that." she muttered.

"What do you mean?! It was on my bed! I demand you tell me what it was doing there!" 

"Well, I wrote it in your room, before dinner. I read it over and over to make sure it was perfect but ended up tossing it away. Guess it missed." She said it with a sense of annoyance in her voice. I got so ticked off by this that I began to raise my tone. I took a deep breath, 

"Just like Abuela does..." I thought.

"Are you really trying to test my patience?! In a second, you'll get beaten up and won't be able to move your precious little fingers." This wasn't me. I wasn't like this. You see, I was partially mad, but I never wanted to scream at Mirabel. It's just that, Abuela said if Mirabel makes you angry, yell at her. This woman can't do anything right.

"N-no Camilo, it's not like that! I'm so sorry." she whimpered. 

I felt a surge of power rush through my body. 

"If you're so sorry, I want you to go up to my sister and apologize!!" I yelled. She took a couple steps back, but I didn't care. She looked at me with fear in her eyes.

Ah. Fear. It made me in total control.

"Go on. Apologize." I whispered. I got so close to her face that I could feel her heavy breathing.

"I-I'll do it!" She cried. Just please don't hurt me!"

"As long as you say sowwy to my sissy," I whined. I found myself dragging her out of the nursery. She was kicking and screaming, but no one could stop me. Everyone was in their soundproof rooms, asleep. 

I gently knocked on the door. "Oh Dolores! Mirabel has something she wants to say to you!" I spoke. No reply, of course. I kicked open the door, dragging Mirabel inside. Dolores immediately sprung awake.

"Camilo. What are you doing?" she whispered. "Put her down."

"Okay." I spoke. I dropped Mirabel down, who was crawling to get away.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Not so fast hun." I said. I lifted her by the shirt and put her infront of Dolores, then dropped her. Dolores rushed over to Mirabel's side.

"Camilo! Are you crazy?" she whispered. 

"I Dunno." I spoke. "Anyways Mirabel, go on. Say it." 

She looked at me and we made eye contact. For a second, I felt like me again. Then I looked away.  She needed to apologize. 

"Dolores, !" She whispered.

"No need, go and get some sleep. I'll talk to Camilo." She whispered back. Mirabel scrambled out of the room like a lost puppy. 

"Camilo! What was that all about?" She gently said. I looked away.

"I just wanted to make her apologize to you." I said. "It just got a little out of control." 

"Don't do it ever again." She sternly said.


"No buts! She is your cousin! Remember you guys used to play together? Now, I want you to go to your room and think about what you've done."

"Please don't tell mami" 

"I won't as long as I never see this side of you again."


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