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H: 5'3"          W: 103 lbs 

A tenacious female human who survived two years on her own after the Invasion.  She has thick, long brown hair and it is usually unkempt to here Canid's chagrin , especially Sky's.  Her eyes are hazel and are constantly observing the world around her.



H: 6'4"          W: 250 lbs

Ben is the leader of a team of Rangers from the planet Zion and a gifted tactician.  He has classic gray wolf markings with piercing yellow eyes and is well muscled.   This fearless leader cares for his team as if they were his family, and adores his human Tabatha.  


H: 6'0"          W: 210 lbs

This Canid is loyal to the core, just like his younger brother Togo.  Resembling an earth wolf-dog, he is covered in dark chocolate brown fur mixed with a lighter tan.   He lost one of his eyes when he was a pup and the remaining one is an emerald green.  Along with his brother, he and Red are the "muscle" of the team and combat specialist.


H: 5'0"          W: 125 lbs

Doc is the team medic, trained to treat both Canids, humans, and a variety of different animals from his home planet Zion, Earth, and other planets in the Federation.  He cares deeply for every living things, but wouldn't hesitate to protect those he sees as his and is happiest when his team is together.  In his down time he loves to garden.  No one is sure what Doc's real name is, and he isn't telling. He may be the shortest member of the team, but he is strong and stocky enough to hold his own against the most unruly patient.  He resembles an Earth blue healer. 


H: 6'7"          W: 230 lbs

This Canid is one mean, scheming individual who enjoys causing pain to others.  He has extensive scarring all over his body, pale yellow eyes, and a rough, unkempt pelt that is black in color.  He is missing half of one ear.  He runs a group of brutes called the Hunters.  Ben and his Rangers dislike him immensely and Tabatha has a great fear of him. 


H: 5'3"          W: 120 lbs

Luna is Doc's medic assistant and is just as dedicated and caring as he is.  She is protective of the human Tabatha, just like the rest of her team.  She closely resembles an Earth husky with honey colored fur with white markings on her face and white "socks" on her paws.


H: 7'2"          W: 290 lbs

This hulking red giant of a Canid resembles a very large wolf.  He is the biggest team member and the strongest.  He, along with the brothers Bruno and Togo, are the "muscle" of the team and combat specialist.  He is second in command, and in charge when Ben isn't around.  He may be intimidating, but he is a huge teddy bear to the ones he loves.  His thick coat of fur is red, just like his name suggests, with hints of black throughout. 


H: 5'5"          W: 100 lbs

This soft spoken and soft hearted fox type Canid is the teams researcher.  He collects information about Earth's history, particularly about humans, apes, and monkeys.  Human gadgetry is of special interest, as well as a comparing wildlife on his home planet of Zion and Earth.  Him and his wife, Tilly, live separate from the team, while on Earth, with other researchers so that information can be shared easily.   His fur is classic fox red with black socks on all four paws and light brown eyes.  Both Rex and his wife make a great team, especially with any legal issues that arise from time to time.


H:  5'9"          W: 150 lbs

Sky is the teams tech specialist and one of the best that her species has ever seen.  Her white fur is as soft as silk and always in place and her sapphire blue eyes are stunning.   She rarely takes flack from anyone and is just as tough as the males on her team and may be the fastest.


H: 5'3          W: 90 lbs

Rex's wife and the team's legal expert.  She is a top notch lawyer who is shrewd and cunning.  Tilly knows her way around a courtroom and always has a way with wooing a courtroom.  Her dark gray pelt and green eyes are always in order and her brown briefcase is never far from her reach.  Together, Rex and her make a lethal combination when it comes to research and solving legal issues.


H: 6'0"          W: 210 lbs

Togo is the younger brother to Bruno, and is loyal to a fault.  He, along with Bruno and Red, are the team "muscle" and combat specialist. His dark brown eyes are full of love when he looks at his family, which consists of his team, brother, and Tabatha.  His dark, chocolate brown fur is as soft as velvet.  A rich silver color tips his ears, tail, and paws.  

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