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That night was Mckays party,
It was weird to say the least.
Lana and I made our way to the bathroom, she set up two lines and we did them. We walked out and i started spinning, Lana seemed fine but i could tell she was going through the same thing,
"Hey, I'm gonna go get a drink," she said before walking off
She went downstairs and i followed behind slowly,
She walked over to the table full of drinks and poured a cup

Now there's a lot of versions of what happened that night, it depends on who you ask and honestly I'm not the most reliable narrator.
But Nate was fucking on one,
And Maddy was fucking on one.
They were both trying to get each others attention by giving their attention to other people.
Lana was new, Nate took advantage of that, and if we're being completely honest Lana was the opposite of Maddy
Lana was humble and down to earth while Maddy was high maintenance and a little bit of a bitch.

Nate walked over to Lana in the kitchen and began to talk to her.
"Have we met before?" He asked with a smirk on his face
"No, I'm new here, my names Lana."
"Nice to meet you Lana, im Nate,"
She smiled at him before taking another sip of her drink
"Do you want to dance?" Nate asked
Lana said "sure" before taking Nate's hand as he led her to the crowd of people dancing, directly across from Maddy, who was also dancing with someone else.
"Do you want to go swimming?" Maddy asked the boy she was dancing with
He agreed and walked out with her, stripping their clothes as they walked then they dove in the pool
Nate danced with Lana for a couple more minutes before taking her out back where Maddy was
They sat next to each other on a bench where Nate had a perfect view to watch Maddy and vice versa.
Lana was starting to feel every drug she took that day hit her along with the alcohol. Her body felt heavier
"So how long have you been around here?" He asked her
"Only a couple of days,"
""So I'm the first guy you're talking to?" Nate scooted closer to Lana
"Pretty much" Lana laughed
"Sounds good,"
Maddy started getting a little closer with this guy and it shortly got to the point where they were fucking in the pool
This angered Nate
He looked at Lana who was obviously intoxicated and began to touch her thighs,
"You're so hot,"
"Thanks," Lana slurred

Nate put his hand on her neck and began kissing her, Lana did kiss back until Nate's grip on her neck got tighter and he also began grabbing her legs to pull her on top of him. She soon came to the realization that she was kissing some random guy at a party before it got that far.
"I'm sorry, this not what I expected to be doing here" she pushed her words out before getting up from the bench and coming to find me.

That was around the time Jules decided to go to Mckays. Jules texted Kat but Kat didn't answer because she was upstairs focused on other things.
Lana couldn't find me because I was once again in the bathroom so she sat on the couch where Fezco found her
"The fuck Lana?" Fezco said as he sat down
"What did I do?" She asked
"Come on now bruh, you and Rue owe me $120,"
"I had no part in that, That's all Rue,"
He laughed "nah it's cool, Rue know I got her," he lit a joint before passing it to Lana
"Rue around here?" He asked
"I don't know I couldn't find her"
"So whats the deal with y'all, to be honest with you Rues whole drug shit got me feeling kinda uneasy,"
"Come on Fezco, you know Rues straight,"
"Nah I know it's just that I like rue, and I'm starting to like you too. I've seen a lot of people die. I don't know what kinda fucked up shit y'all got going on in y'all head and I don't know how I could help but I could tell you one thing, this drug shit not the answer."
"I remember when I first started doing drugs, my dad left his Xanax on the dining room table and i took one, that was the first time I felt calm and didn't overthink about every aspect of life, it made me feel safe. Will it eventually kill me? Maybe, maybe not I don't know"
Lana took a hit of the joint before passing it back to Fez
"Still gonna be our dealer?" She joked
"You just like Rue, a fucking trip bruh"
"What about me?" I said as I walked over,
"Nothing Rue, we're just talking" Lana said as her and Fez laughed.

That was when Jules walked in.
Nate was already mad because of Maddy in the pool and Lana blowing him off
Jules was just in the line of fire
Nate poured himself a shot, drank it, then threw the glass,
" fuck out of here! Get the fuck out of the kitchen!"
He looked at Jules
"The fuck are you looking at? Who the fuck are you?"
Me, Lana and Fezco walked up to the commotion, watching from the corner
"Does anybody know who the fuck Jules is?" Nate yelled
"I'm just minding my own business"
"Nobody that looks like you is just minding their own business. I know what you are, so what do you want huh, some attention, cause I'll give you some fucking attention." He said close to Jules face
"Is anybody here friends with Jules? Somebody better speak up or this bitch is gonna get fucked up!"
Jules grabbed a knife,
"Do you know her? Lana asked me
I shook my head no
"You wanna fucking hurt me? Back the fuck up!" Jules walked towards Nate with the knife
"Put the fucking knife down okay, it was a fucking joke" Nate said, now scared
"You wanna fucking hurt me? You have no fucking idea!" Jules said as she slit her wrist with the knife
"You're a fucking psycho"
"I'm fucking invincible!"
Jules put her arm down and began to walk off
"By the way I'm jules, i just moved here."
She walked out
Lana looked at me with wide eyes before walking in the same direction as Jules
We walked to where she was outside
"Are you okay" I asked
"Yeah it's fine, i guess I knew it was gonna get violent and didn't want to end up with a broken cheekbone or something," Jules said
"Yeah, no I totally get the logic behind it but it's still like fucking insane"
"What she means to say it, you're a bad ass jules." Lana cut me off
Jules smiled
"I'm Lana this is Rue,"
"I'm jules," she shook our hands
"Where you headed?" Lana asked
"Can i come with you? " I asked
"What about me?" Lana asked, I pulled her to the side telling jules to give me a minute
"Fez is still here, he'll give you a ride."
"What do I say to your mom."
"Nothing at all, do not go home,"
"What do you mean don't go home?"
"Stay with Fez please" i pleaded
"I don't even really know him,"
"Yeah but i do, you'll be fine."
"Whatever Rue, you better answer if i text you"
"I will Lana please just go find Fez"
"I'm going!" she said before walking away

Lana went to find Fez and I left with Jules.
I didn't mean to just leave her at that party but Jules was interesting

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