"You alright Cass?" Theodore spoke, his gaze lingering on her lips before finally having the courage to look her in the eyes. 
"Just peachy thanks." she replied rolling her eyes as her mother's harsh tug on her arm after hearing her attitude when speaking to the boy.
"Cassandra Monet, I didn't bring you up to be rude." Eva shrieked, giving a shocked face to the adults around her, she was no longer happy now that her award-winning trophy was talking but soon got dragged into another conversation now distracted enough for the blonde to unfortunately listen to Theo again. His smug face making him look even more punchable than ever.

"How was your summer Cassandra?" he had asked
"I smoked and read, that's about it."
"Oh please, you pissed off to that old hags house and came home drunk on multiple occasions Cassandra. Ne sois passe stupide." he had chimed in, not giving the girl a chance to speak. (Don't be stupid)
"Yeah look where that fucking got me hm?" she said nodding towards the murderous grip on her arm. Theodore chuckled at the cousin's antics, Cassandra's attitude reminding him why he was talking to her in the first place, a challenge

If Regulus Black knew Cassandra, which he did considering he was the only Slytherin Cass could handle being around long enough to not strangle, he knew as soon as he saw the smallest flinch when his father's hand brushed against the girls back in an almost condescending way, that something was deeply wrong. It was obvious in the miniscule movement of her eyes in pure panic. 

It was no secret her family were interested in the dark arts. The white lines decorating the skin of her back and the deep red one dancing along her muscles a prime example of this, her mother's recent childish anger outburst causing a dark curse to be flung carelessly at the blonde. It had happened on the first day she returned intoxicated to the Monet manor, her mother lasted the best bit of 10 minutes before she could no longer stand her daughter anymore. It may come as a surprise considering the amount of times she had cared for herself, Cassandra's healing abilities came to a halt when she tried to stich herself up using a mirror. So shockingly, all it took was a single harsh twist of the girls shoulders, she had done to attempt an escape from the grip on her arm as seconds before she had watched her hand become a shade paler, for the noiseless pull of her skin and a sudden lack of tension signifying her stitches release- a hot droplet of blood cascading down the dent of her spine, staining the back of the black sweatshirt she had chosen to wear. Swallowing, the girl met Regulus's concerned gaze as their parents passed arcane pieces of information as subtly as they could; however it looks like the boy had already figured her out. Shit. 

Abraxas Malfoy turned to look down at the blonde who was still caged by her mothers hand and spoke.

"Ah Cassandra look how grown up you look." He looked at her mother, "What a beautiful daughter you have Eva."

Cassandra grimaced when she felt his fingers grip her chin, a common trait the Slytherin purebloods shared- cold hands. Chin in between his pointer finger and thumb, he move her head from side to side, a subtle smirk on his face after noticing the darker line of a scar running down her lip before returning his blood-stained hand back to his side; continuing conversing as though nothing had happened. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Can you believe we're back again?" James said directing his case cart towards the spot next to Sirius. Remus looked up from his book briefly and gave him a perfunctory nod in response. "Considering we have gone through 4 years of this shit I'm surprised you aren't used to it by now. " Sirius spoke looking at his friend, he rolled his eyes at Peter's glare.

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