The fire he spitted crashed against the Dark creature and caused it to screech loudly in pain as it fell on the ground. Smaug then landed on some buildings , thankfully strong enough to support his weight, before glaring down at the Grimm. As the Dragon-like Creature tried to get up, Smaug opened his mouth , not to spit fire again, but instead to let out a powerful roar which echoed in the air, startling everyone still present in the city.

00000000000000(Another Point of View)0000000000000000000

A few moments ago,

At the top of Beacon Tower, a lot smoke flew out from the elevator, masking the entrance of a fair-skinned woman with ashen-black hair and bright amber eyes . The newcomer was wearing lipstick and violet eyeshadow along with a dark red, off-the-shoulders v-neck mini dress with yellow designs. There was a blue feather-like accessory on her right hip at the top of an open portion of her dress. The dress ended in an upside-down triangular tail in the back, ending just above the knees. This woman was know as Cinder Fall.

 She confidently walked toward the window at the other side of the room with an evil smirk on her face

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She confidently walked toward the window at the other side of the room with an evil smirk on her face. As if it had sensed her presence, the Wyvern climbed up to the top of the Tower before peering at her through the window, and screeching.

Cinder : (gently) " Shhhh this is your home now...."

The Wyvern stared at her and letted a short and quiet screech as if it had understood her . Cinder backed away from the window and held her hand out to the side, creating a fireball in her palm. She was still looking at the Wyvern when suddenly, flames came out of nowhere and crashed against the Gigantic Grimm which caused it to let out a screech of pain before landing on the ground in a loud thump.

Cinder Fall's eyes widened in surprise for a moment as she rushed toward the window to look outside... and what she saw shocked her to the core : a GIGANTIC form was standing on some buildings glaring down at the Wyvern. The Creature before her wasn't a Grimm that for sure and she never saw anything like this before in her life.

This Strange Creature had a long, serpentine neck , a crest of spurs on its head along with a crocodile-like face. It also had a compact torso with a streamlined shape, spines and spikes running down his back and the back of his neck along with stocky hind-legs and a very long tail. Cinder noticed that this Creature was entirely covered in dark-red scales with a pale yellow color for his its underside.

And its eyes... It was the eyes that scared her the most : it had gleaming, orange-yellow eyes which looked like fire, with slit-pupils with appeared like a keyhole-like shape. Cinder became more scared when the Beast let out its roar

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