Dark and Twisty

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As I step off the elevator, I see Ames talking to Meredith Grey. I watch with a smile as the shorter girl stands in front of Meredith laughing. I walk up behind her catching Meredith's attention but she doesn't give me away.

"Excuse me Dr.Shepherd I seem to have a horrible headache." I say our inside joke that comes from her helping me studying for my boards which led to more than studying.

As soon as she heard my voice she jumped on me and hugged me. I'm glad I have good balance because that jump would've taken me out. I quickly wrapped my arms around her to make sure she doesn't fall.

" Hey what are you doing here? I thought I wouldn't see you for another month." She said as I put her down.

"Mom called me and told me to come. I'm pretty sure it's just something to do with the foundation. I also thought maybe I could get you off another week and catch up." After I said that she blushed and looked at Meredith.

" Oh excuse my bad manners, Hi I'm" Before I could finish introducing myself she interrupts me.

" Y/N Hamilton, I know who you are. Your face is all over medical magazines."

"Well I know your name too Ms. Meredith Grey, If it's not my face it's yours. I'm pretty sure your mother would be pretty proud of you."

"Oh I'm pretty sure if my mother was still alive she would probably tell me how I could be better" That makes me laugh along with her. I feel like we would get along great. As we are laughing we hear someone clear their throat.

" I'm glad you guys are getting along with your dark and twisty past and parents. Would you like a room. I'm pretty sure an on call room is open." Amelia said in her snarky way. I could tell she was kinda jealous, so I decided to mess with her.

" Ames let me take her out first. You know mom didn't raise me like that" If looks could kill, I would definitely be dead. I glad because I just met Meredith, I don't want her calling my time of death anytime soon.

" As attractive you are. I'm married, to Amelia's brother actually." I looked at her and Amelia in surprise. Amelia and I don't talk about Derek, We don't get along.

" I'm so sorry." After I said that Ames elbowed me. Meredith didn't take offense to it, she actually laughed.

Before we could continue on, we heard my name called from the stairs. As I turned I saw my Mother and brother coming down over to us.

" I've missed my baby so much." Mom said as she pulled me into a tight hug.

" I missed you too mom. How are things Jackson?" I said as I was let out of a hug just to get pulled back into another with Jackson.

" All good, How's New York? I heard from Mom what happened yesterday." He said with a smirk on his face. I punched his arm and looked over at Amelia. Amelia and I weren't together, but she has a tendency to get jealous. So we have a rule about not talking about my hook ups. We do talk about hers though.

" Wait Y/N did I hear you call Catherine Mom? I thought Jackson was a only kid." Meredith questioned saving me for now.

" Well Jackson is my biological child. I adopted Y/N when she was a teenager. Jackson had met her trying to sneak into the college where I was doing a guest lecture. When she was caught he covered for her. And then after the lecture he brought her to me. She was this scrawny 6 foot girl who was just star struck to meet me. I took her out to lunch with Jackson and I. Just from talking to her I could tell she was smart. So after lunch I went to take her home, instead of giving me her actual address she had me drop her off in these suburbs. May luck have it, when I stopped for gas I saw her sitting on the curb doing her homework. I went up to her told her to get in the car. I made her take me to actual home. I met with her parents. When they first saw me, they thought she was in trouble. After seeing how they treated her, I made her pack some of her things and come with me. And she's been with us ever since." As she told the story, I had my jaw clenched. I'm not one for really talking about my past. Jackson noticed and put his hand on my shoulder.

" I hate to ruin us reminiscing but you brought me out to talk, I assume about something important. So lets get to business shall we?" I said, trying to quickly change the subject.

"Right well let's go up to the boardroom." Jackson said agreeing with me. My brother always has my back. So the three of us headed to the elevator.

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