Cry three tears for me

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It was the morning of yet another interview and this time, the questions were aimed more personally about the boys, their personality's, likes, dislikes, who they bonded with the most in the band.. and, unfortunately, Deuce's name cropped up again. 

"I know you've been asked this about a thousand times," said the interviewer, not noticing Johnny's eyeroll and if she did she ignored it, "but is there any chance you guys and Deuce will ever reconcile?" 

"No," Johnny said almost too quickly, the other boys silent. Johnny always got pissy when Deuce was brought up and he'd be in a mood for the rest of the day. Charlie, who was sitting next to him put an arm around his shoulder and decided to carry on answering, "You know, it's just gotten to that stage now where we don't even care what Deuce does."

The interviewer nodded and clearly wasn't happy with the answer, so was pushing ahead with the Deuce filled questions, "Deuce says that he wrote the majority of the songs while he was in the band, any truth to that?" 

This bitch just didn't know when to shut up but they had to keep it professional. "No, man. We all wrote the shit together so Deuce taking credit for it all is just pathetic. He's just mad he got replaced by someone better," Charlie answered, looking over at Danny with a smile, his arm still around Johnny's shoulder. 

"Right," she mumbled, glancing at the floor for only a moment, probably sensing the tense atmosphere. "Let's get to some fun questions!" Finally, Da Kurlzz thought, chewing on some gum. She looked at them all with a bright smile, her eyes focusing on Charlie and Johnny, "You two seem to have a special friendship, would you say you're the closest with eachother in the band?" 

Danny cleared his throat and leaned back on the sofa, looking at J, Funny and Da Kurlzz with a huge smile, eyebrows raised. The two boys in question shifted uncomfortably, knowing exactly what Danny was up to behind their backs. "Not really. I mean, we're all pretty close," Charlie said, knowing it was complete bullshit. 

"Well, think that me and Charlie have a special bond but we're all close with eachother, so..." Johnny trailed off, noticing the interviewer looking at Charlie's hand closed tightly around his shoulder. He tried to shrug it off but his friend didn't budge, making it so more awkward then it ever needed to be. 

"We might as well not be here. These guys are the spotlight right now. How about you tell the nice lady how you both cuddle in bed with eachother?" teased Funny, finding this whole situation hilarious. J, Da Kurlzz and Danny all tried not to laugh, turning their faces away. 

"Ha ha, very funny, dickhead," Johnny replied, looking at Charlie and raising his eyebrows, "You're not making this any easier you know," he whispered, knowing everyone else could hear him anyway.

"What?" Charlie asked, surprise in his voice, leaning in closer. 


"Stop what?" Charlie whispered, solely focused on Johnny,  his hand caressing his friends shoulder. Johnny could throw a punch right now, he was clearly taking the piss... why the hell was Charl even going along with this? It was just embarrassing.

"I swear to god.. get your fucking hand off me," he demanded, then looked at the interviewer, "You'll cut this all out, right?"

She shrugged. Great, probably not then. 

Charlie, instead of doing what he was told, let his hand slide down Johnny's arm extra slow, causing him to tense up even more, his cheeks showing a very nice shade of pink. 

The interviewer seemed to have just given up. Shit, their management would go mad at them for not promoting their album and just fucking about. 

"This has been an interview with Hollywood Undead. Thank you for coming."

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