I Guess We're Criminals

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"We were on that big mountain, and I went to go hang out with this girl in this mining cage. All of a sudden, it started shaking, like an earthquake. And there were lights, and then I looked down in this giant hole. Inside of it, right in the middle of it, was either a person or a reptile..." Trevor told them "Are you even paying attention?"
Podcast looked back at him

"Yeah. I'm just excited we're in jail." He said
Trevor just rolled his eyes at the boy
"I thought I heard something say, Gozer." Trevor told him
"Gozer the Gozerian" Alice muttered "we're all fucked"
Phoebe looked at her with a strange looked
"He speaks the truth. I was there." Lucky said in the cell from next to them

"Hey. Hi. How...? What brings you here?" Trevor said
"Actually, you could help me with hiding something." Lucky said, walking over to the bars that separated the cells
"Yeah, yeah." Trevor agreed
"Do you have priors?" She asked "Cause they'll charge you as a minor. You'll get two years. Max."
"Two?" Trevor asked

"I'll visit you, okay?" Lucky told him
"Lucky." Her father voice called "Quit messing with my inmates."
"Sorry, Dad." Lucky said smiling
"Dad. So you're just..." Trevor trailed off
"Waiting for my ride. Yeah." Lucky told him, walking out the cell "But you look good behind bars."
Trevor looked like her was about to pass out over what she just said.

"Hey. Don't we get a phone call?" Phoebe asked Luckys dad
"Sure you do." He said "Who you gonna call?"
Phoebe thought for a moment before following him out the cell


"Where are my kids?" Alice heard Callie ask
"They're in the lockup." The sheriff told her
"My children are not criminals." Callie told them
"Sure they're not." The sheriff said "Driving without a license. Expired registration. Speeding."
"They can't be the first to go joyriding." Alice heard Mr Grooberson say

"No, they are not. But they are the first to destroy half of Main Street with whatever that thing is." The sheriff told him
"Whoa!" Mr Grooberson exclaimed
"Sorry." He mumbled after a second

"What were you thinking? You know, you two could have really hurt yourselves." Callie said, coming over to the cell where they all sat

"Hey. I'm Gary." Mr Grooberson introduced himself to Trevor
Trevor waved awkwardly and his mum went with the sheriff to do something
"Did you catch anything?" Mr Grooberson asked in a whisper

"It's inside the trap." Phoebe told him
"Right now?"
They all nodded
They were all let out and slowly walked towards the door
"Let's go. You were supposed to look after her this summer." Callie pointed

"I was?" Mr Grooberson asked
"Not you. Him." She corrected, gesturing to Trevor
"This was her idea." Trevor defended himself
"But what about our stuff? The Ecto-1?" Phoebe asked
"Everything will remain nice and safe in our impound locker." The sheriff told her
"That's stupid" Alice laughed
"No! We need it." Phoebe yelled

"Phoebe, let's go." Callie grabbed Phoebes hand
"We caught a ghost tonight." Phoebe told them
The sheriff and the officer on duty laughed
"Dirt Farmer's family." The sheriff told the officer
"It's true. And there will be more."

"You're starting to sound like your lunatic grandfather." The officer said
Phoebe grabbed the proton pack and Alice was yelling
"Call him crazy one more time and I swear I will personally make your life a living hell!" She yelled
"Alice! Phoebe!" Callie yelled, calming them down "They didn't mean it."
"I did" Alice mumbled
Phoebe didn't put down the proton gun

"You wanna spend the night in my jail?" The sheriff asked the two
Callie carefully grabbed the gun out of Phoebes hands
"You can... You can keep it." Callie said
The sheriff tentatively took it her hands
"Go. Now." Callie ordered her children
Trevor was busy looking at Lucky
"Trevor." Callie warned

"I'll see you at work." Trevor said to Lucky
"Yeah. See you." Lucky said
"Bloody crazy family" the officer chuckled as they walked away.
Alice turned around and stalked towards them
"The fuck did I tell you, I swear to god I will-"
She was cut off by Trevor yanking her back by the back of her shirt.
"Don't" he warned her


They all got back to the house. Alice felt like she was intruding so she just sat in the steps out the front. Mr Grooberson and Callie came out.
"I'm sorry the night went sideways." Callie apologised
"No. I-I had a blast." Mr Grooberson said  "Why don't we just pick it up tomorrow night, same time."

"You really want more of this?" Callie asked him
"Are you kidding me? We had kung pao shrimp. We went to jail. I don't know how we're gonna top this. This is a home run." Mr Grooberson laughed
Callie laughed with him
"Um, my life is a dumpster fire." She told him

I "love dumpster fires. You should see my apartment. I don't mean now. Or a-anytime soon. You don't want to... I'd need to clean..." he stumbled over his words
Callie came up and gave him a kiss on the cheek
"This is moving way too fast. You gotta just relax." He joked  "The kids hungry? They want some of this, uh, unrefrigerated shrimp?"

Callie laughed and closed the door.
"Hungry?" Mr Grooberson asked Alice.
"I don't feel like food poisoning and seafood isn't really my thing" she told him
"I meant I'll take you with me to came get food" he corrected himself
"Beats sitting out here for god knows how long" she said, getting up
He laughed.


Word Count: 948
Sorry for the filler chapter I've just been rlly unmotivated recently

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