Chapter 1

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An empty room. There's a flash, and nine people, a scarecrow, a tin man, a Goat, and a dog, all appear.

"Where are we?" Elphaba asked.

"What just happened?" Glinda asked. A teenage girl in a Wicked shirt steps forward.

"Hello everyone, and welcome to the Wicked Q&A. I am your host. You're going to be answering questions and completing dares submitted by fans." she said. "Before we begin, let's make things simple. Yes, I brought Melena, Frex, and Nessa back from the dead because I can do that." Elphaba's head whips around and she spots her deceased family. She bursts into tears and they hug. Well, Elphaba, Melena, and Nessa hugged. Frex glared in a corner. "While they reunite, Doctor Dillamond can speak now, and Fiyero, I'm going to turn you into a human." She picked up a plastic dragon staff with a crystal ball and Fiyero became a human once again. 

"What is happening?" Dorothy shrieked. "Scarecrow, you're a human?" She turned and saw Elphaba. She screamed. "It's the witch! She's back from the dead! And I don't know where to find water!" Elphaba turned from Melena and Nessa. 

"What is the farm brat doing here?" she asked. The mystery host stepped in between Dorothy and Elphaba. 

"Everyone is friends here!" She said. A bucket of water appeared in her hand. Dorothy reached for it but the mystery host handed it to Elphaba. "Look, water doesn't melt her. Elphaba, stick your hand in." Elphaba rolled her eyes and stuck her hand into the water. Nothing happened. Dorothy's jaw dropped. 

"That means the Wizard lied to me!" Dorothy turned sad eyes to the Wizard. 

"He lied to me too." Elphaba said. "And to all of Oz." She spotted Fiyero.

"You're a human?" she asked, walking up and kissing him. Dorothy started stuttering.

"But- what- I- he- what-" The mystery host turned to Dorothy. "You have a lot to learn, but I'll let you figure it out on your own."

"Can I be a human too?" Boq asked from the back. 

"No." The mystery host crossed her arms.

"Why?" Boq asked.

"Because I don't like you." 

"What are we doing here?" Morrible asked. The mystery host turned.

"I already told you. You're here to answer questions and do dares. Let's get started!" She grabs a notepad. "Ok, the first question is for everyone. It says 'Tell each other something you've never told anyone before.' Who wants to go first?" No one volunteers. "Elphaba, you go first." Elphaba thinks for a moment. 

"Well, I like to play the piano." Glinda runs over to Elphaba. 

"Elphie, why did you never tell me this?" she squeals. 

"Well, it never really seemed important." 

"I'll go next!" Glinda said. "I actually like the color black." Elphaba dramatically gasped.

"I've dated 19 girls since I was 10, and that's not including Glinda or Fae." Fiyero said. Elphaba hits the back of his head. "What? It's all I could think of!"

"Toto is ten years old." Dorothy said. Everyone looks at her funny.

"Boq was my first and so far only crush." Nessa said. Boq glares at her.

"Well, Glinda was my first crush." he said.

"I worked at a circus before I came to Oz." the Wizard said.

"Weather is my specialty." Morrible declared. 

"We know!" Everyone shouted.

"It's Elphaba's fault that Nessa is in a wheelchair." Frex said angrily. Fiyero stepped forward threateningly. The mystery host stepped in between them.

"MOVING ON," she shouted. "Frex, you're completely evil and horrible. Next answer!" 

"I was actually born in the Uplands of Gillikin." Melena said. Glinda squealed.

"That's right next to the Upper Uplands! I'm from the Upper Uplands!" Doctor Dillamond shifted nervously.

"I have a distant relative who was a sheep." he said. No one knows how to react.

"So, our next one is a dare from Mushroom Kid. Wizard, you have to talk in a New York accent for 24 hours." the mystery host read from the notepad. The Wizard stared blankly. "You know what, here." The mystery host snapped.

"What in the woild is a New Yoirk accent?" The Wizard said in a New York accent. Everyone laughed. The Wizard crossed his arms.

"This is going to be funny." The mystery host said. "So, now we have a dare from Jameson. You all have to take a shot of hot sauce. I'll let you choose your flavor." A table with bottles appeared. "There's garlic, jalapeno, Mexican style, hot scorpion, teriyaki, cayenne, green pepper, Mexican taco, and habanero." Fiyero went to the table first. He chose the habanero. He didn't even make a face. 

"I've had much spicier." he said. Elphaba went next and, to no one's surprise, chose the green pepper sauce. She took the shot and started coughing. Glinda was next. The mystery host smirked.

"The scorpion one looks nice." she said. She took the shot. She started gagging and her eyes watered. "Help me! Water!" she wheezed. The mystery host handed her water, laughing.

"Glinda, the scorpion pepper is one of the hottest peppers in the world." Glinda was gulping water and didn't respond. Nessa was next. She chose the teriyaki. She made a face at first.

"Wait, that's actually good." she said after a minute. Boq chose the mexican taco. After his shot he started dramatically coughing and the mystery host gave him water too.

"That one's not even that spicy." she said. The Wizard was next and chose the jalapeno. Like Fiyero, he didn't even react. Morrible daringly chose the hot scorpion. She took the shot, coughed once, and then was fine.

"HOW?" Glinda shrieked. Morrible shrugged smugly. Doctor Dillamond chose the garlic. He nodded approvingly.

"Quite good." He said. Dorothy was last. She nervously chose the cayenne. She started hacking after her shot. Elphaba burst out laughing.

"Ok, we're running out of time." The mystery host said. "We have one last question for Glinda. They want to know how you stay so positive." Glinda smiled.

"Well, I'm not always positive. A lot of the time it's just a mask so no one will judge me." The mystery host nodded.

"That's deep. Well, that's all for now! Tune in later for more questions and dares! And don't forget to submit your questions and dares in the comments!"

"Who are you talking to?" Elphaba asked. The mystery host didn't answer. 

"Bye everyone! Have an Ozmopolitan day!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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