"You want us to bring you back sumthin to eat?" Dorinda asked her and Karen pouted saying "Mmhmm."

After she got off the phone with her sisters Karen just decided to sit on the couch and watch some tv before they came back. She had already explored the resort before so there wasn't a need to do that. She thought about how far she come along and realized that if this was a couple of months ago they wouldn't have trusted her being alone. But she had done well and that she was truly proud of herself. While waiting for the rest of her family to get back, Karen decided that she was gonna fix her something to eat and after she was done eating she was still hungry. Usually, she wouldn't be this hungry. But she decided to ignore it taking a container of ice cream from the freezer that was already open and sitting down to eat it.

It was around 30 minutes later when they came back only to find, Karen yet again past out on the couch. "I can't wait to get me some of that chocolate ice cream." Dorinda said not knowing that her baby sister got to it first. Once they came into the house they saw, Karen knocked out on the couch. "Look at her she done went back to sleep after sleeping all day." Dorinda said as she had more bags of food in her hand. "Wake up girl!"

Dorinda shouted from afar knowing that Karen wasn't gonna wake up if she went over there to shake her awake. "Huh?" Karen asked her being startled by her sister. "Don't do that." Karen whined gettin' up from the couch to get her food as Dorinda went to go get the ice cream. "Now, I know-!" Dorinda said closing the freezer back. "Karen. I know you didn't eat that whole gallon of ice cream by yourself?!" Doe said upset and Karen lightly shrugged. "Y'all had some already and I was hungry." Karen said as she was looking for her plate. "I can see that." Jacky said opening up the refrigerator and seeing that half the food wasn't in there either. "I'm glad we went back out before we came here." Jacky mumbled to herself.

But as they were eating Karen started noticing more smells than what she normally would and it was making her sick to her stomach as she put her wrist over mouth, Doe noticed her.
"Girl you good?" Dorinda asked her baby sister and Karen just nodded her head as she went back to eatin'. "I don't know somethin' makin' my stomach turn." Karen said as she continued to open up her bag of food taking it out. "I'm a go take this ova there to eat." Karen said choosing to eat at the kitchen table instead of staying at the island but that gave her more room to lean back comfortably and she felt a little better.

Once she was done eating her food. She was looking at Drew's food. "Not uh you just got done with a whole two plates." Drew said not wanting to share. "I'm hungry too." He said having only ate once while they were out since it was a good amount of food and Karen wasn't there to eat any of it.

"Pleaseee." Karen whined poutin' and Drew let her have some of his food but she ended up eating half of it again. Then once he left to go get some napkins he came back and the food was gone. "Karen I know your greedy self ain't eat all my food?" Drew asked her and Karen sat there with no shame. "I'm sorry but I'm still hungry."

Karen said shrugging her shoulders and Drew just shook his head ordering room service.
When that came she did the same thing and Jacky saw how Drew would block Karen's hand from eatin his food after she literally just had a fourth plate.

"Karen!" Jacky yelled at her. "Let that man eat his food." Jacky yelled at her. "Thank you sista!" Drew playfully said as he went back to eatin. But she only stopped for a little while of trying to get his food until, Drew turned around and looked at her to stop. "Karen over here eatin' everybody out of a house and a home!" Jacky hollered as Karen had got some of her snacks that she was eatin.'

"That's why I ate my food in the car before comin' in." Greg said knowing he wasn't about to give his sister-in-law none of his food and Dorinda chuckled. "Drew you should've did what Greg did you know your wife is greedy when it comes to food." Doe said trying not to laugh even more seeing the annoyed look on his face at his wife.

"You betta stop before I give you sumthin' else to eat." Drew said which was a threat at this point and Karen immediately stopped turning her back to look towards the tv.
"That's what I thought." He said and her sisters tried not to laugh.

Right then and there everyone knew that Drew did a numba on her because before she would've still tried to play in his face like he ain't put it down. But Karen really couldn't take no mo' of his dick. He had that demon dick that made her act right.

But, Jacky handed a bag of chips to Karen. "Leave that man's food alone chilee." She chuckled as Karen took the bag of chips and started eating them.

And then, somehow they all got on the topic of last night after, Drew's food came from room service. "Now, I would ask if everything was alright last night after hearing somebody but I'm gonna not ask." Jacky said as she heard Karen sound as if she was actually crying last night.

"Cause that ain't none of my business." She said being somewhat of a concerned big sister and all Karen could do was try not to laugh cause, Drew was fucking her so good that it did make her cry not once but twice.

So, she figured that Drew got her back for making him get bitched out all those months ago and now she knew that Drew don't be playin when it comes to his demon dick.
Because now all she wanted to do was act right for her man but she will fuck a bitch up over her man too.

"Everything was peachy." Karen said as she smiled looking at her man and Drew gave her a quick smile back going back to eating his food and then they moved onto other topics. "But I need to buy some new clothes when we go back home because don't nuthin' fit." Karen said still rubbing the bottom of her stomach as her jeans felt like they were cuttin' off the circulation in her. "Mh, interesting." Dorinda said arching an eyebrow while looking at Karen. "Cause you just seem bloated to me." Doe said. "I feel bloated." Karen said sighing as she lightly stretched out in her chair. "Drew you still eatin?" Karen asked her husband as she turned her head towards him and put her chin on the chair poutin' as he saw he was almost done with his plate of food.

"You still not gonna give me some?" She asked still feeling a little bit hungry and Drew shook his head no pointin' to the other bag of chips over on the counter for her to eat instead. And Glynn got them for her cause Drew was not leaving his plate unattended again and she thanked, Glynn.

"Danggg Karen how many times did you eat since we came back?" Dorinda asked her baby sister. "I don't know." Karen said shrugging her shoulders. "Mmm maybe 5 or 6 times." Karen said and Jacky's mouth dropped open. "Whattt?" Karen said looking at their oldest sister and Karen looked at Twinkie who turned her head. "Nuthin' that's just a lot for one person." Jacky said putting emphasis on one but it flew over, Karen's head and Dorinda looked at Jacky eyeing each other. But then, Jacky started laughin' and Dorinda started laughing. "Twinkie what they laughin' at?" Karen asked her. "You chilee what else?" Twinkie said trying not to wheeze. "I don't know what's so funny." Karen said in her raspy voice. "Whewww." Jacky wheezed and Jacky basically gave, Dorinda a high five.

To be continued...


How y'all liked this chapter?

What y'all think of it?

Poor, Drew he had to order him some more food from room service.

And po' Dorinda she just wanted some dang ice cream. 😭

The sisters know something that Karen doesn't know what could it be...? 🌚

And only 4 more chapters are left until this story is over! 🤗♥️

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