The Lost Chapter

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Roanoke Colony, May 1589

Anthony Taylor sat on a rock, staring at the sun and wondering what would come next.

The tide was low in Otis Cove. It was at times like this that they could actually go down and enjoy the beach. Fort Raleigh was to his back and to say the least, looked quite rough. They relied on the land for all their immediate supplies which could become tedious when working on their traditional two story huts. The entire border of the village was circled with a split-rail fence. The hope was that it might intimidate any hostile natives. Not far from every hut was a garden, the people who tended them did their best to keep the village alive. The gardens and livestock would be all that sustained them until Governor White's return with supplies from England. When that was, no one could say.

Anthony chewed on a long weed that protruded from the side of his mouth. He cursed under his breath when he thought of how they had gone through all the tobacco. It had been over a year since his last smoke. If white didn't get back soon, he was sure to run off and start begging the natives.

He sighed and tossed a pebble down at the beach. With the day's work done, there was nothing left to do but wait.

A short while later, he spotted Eleanor Dare coming up the trail from the village. She was a young girl in her early twenties. She had thick red hair that curled down over a dust caked dress.

"Ey, shouldn't you be looking after the little one?"

Eleanor brushed down her dress before flashing him an apologetic smile. "I'm sure Virginia will be fine with Ananias while I stretch my legs."

Anthony grunted. "I'm sure, it just isn't very proper."

"You and I both know there's nothing proper about living on this island."

"So I'm coming to discover, Mrs. Dare. Will you be heading down to the beach?"

"Undecided Mr. Taylor."

"If you are, you should do it quick. The sun is going down and you shouldn't be out past dark when natives could be around."

Eleanor gave her head a small shake. "When's the last time you saw natives come out to the island at night?"

"For all we know they come out every night, we just don't see them."

"Oh, so they are like ghosts?" The hint of a smile played at the edge of her lips.

"This is their home young Eleanor. They may be savages but they know this land better than anyone on this island. I implore you to remember that."

Eleanor held the hem of her dress and gave him a curt bow. "If that is the case than I'd better be getting a move on before dark. I wouldn't want the creatures of the night stealing me away."

"You do that, young Eleanor, you do that." He turned back to look out over the bay.

The waves were low and there were very little white caps to be seen. He could smell the salt in the air, it was a scent he enjoyed.

Anthony's mouth fell open and the weed dropped to the ground. He stood up, holding his hands to his face and squinting his eyes. There was a black dot on the horizon, a ship.

"What is it?" said Eleanor from a short ways up the trail. She began walking back, stretching to see what he was looking at.

"A ship, let us pray it's the governor and not the Spanish," said Anthony. "We must inform the others, come on."

"I was beginning to think my father would never return," said Eleanor.

She hiked up her dress and followed Anthony as he hurried back to the village. Anthony made no attempt to slow for her and by the time they got back she far behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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