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Full name: "Y/N Mortimer Ukufa"
Mortimer - means death and sea in french... mort - death, mer- sea. Ukufa means also death in Zulu language.

Father: The Death, also knows as the Grim Reaper. You actually used to work for him and he paid you for it, but you don't do the "delivering souls away" anymore. Well actually sometimes your father asks for favors you know, sometimes he takes a day off. He created a place, where you used to live, you'll learn more about it later.

Mother: Azrael, you never knew her, she died in the war between the void and heaven, when you were a baby.

Your physical attributes:

Looks: The perfect version of what you look like in real life except in here you have black hair and black eyes.

Height: your height

Physique: You who has been forced to train for perfection.


Age: You stopped aging when you were 20 and since you lived most of your life in your father's realm you don't really know exactly how old you are, because time works differently in there... A thousand years there could mean a few days in Runeterra. But also in Runeterra you've lived centuries, . maybe even let's just say that your age is unknown and irrelevant.


Soul Drain: You can suck people's souls out of them... actually from anyone who has a soul. The more bad a person has done, the tastier their soul is.

Health Regen: You heal a lot faster than normal people (broken bones within an hour), but if needed you can change how fast you heal. But the quicker you heal, the more painful it is. So like if you want to heal a broken bone with 1 second it would be VERY VERY painful.

Healing others: You can heal others, BUT it costs them a small part of their soul.

Soul Fire or Soul Flame: You use the energy of doomed souls(souls that cannot be reborn, there are millions of those) so it is cold, not hot and it appears light blue. If you hit someone with it, they'd still catch fire and their skin would turn white and after a few seconds black, but not because of heat, but extreme cold. Fatal.

Super Strength, durability, senses etc- Basically increased everything.

Different martial arts: Kung Fu, Taekwondo and Jiu-Jitsu.

Telepathy to some level: You can tell, when someone's lying and you can manipulate people's minds slightly.
(For example, when you go to a coffee shop, you can make the barista think that you already paid...)

Intangibility: If you don't know what that is: it's ability to go through solid objects.

Invisibility: Self explanatory

Flight: Well... You have wings. (Like angels, but all black) You can hide them, but actually no one ALIVE except your father and Seraphine knew you had wings. (At least you thought so)

You're also very fast and agile and sh*t
And you also have other abilities that I'll make up as i write the story...


Sword of Death:

Sword of Death:

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