Chapter 1

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It was the night of Mariano's proposal to Isabela, she dreaded this day because the one and only disaster of her life, Camilo Madrigal, would be present at said proposal. As badly as Y/n wanted to skip, she couldn't because Abuelo Recto had a "special announcement" to make that required Y/n to go to Casa Madrigal along with the rest of the Quiero's.

"Y/n! Go get ready we'll be going to the Madrigal's in 30 minutes!" Rosa said to her daughter.

Y/n decided on a white collared blouse and a sage green maxi skirt, it was simple but it looked gorgeous on the one and only Y/n Quiero, there was no wonder why most of the boys her age were always fawning over her. She put on an earring that is a mix of white gold and regular gold, and a golden necklace with a star design that was passed onto her from her late Lola (Lola means grandma).

Time skip to the after the dinner (i'm too lazy for that whole scene, and i'm assuming most of the people that will be reading this have already watched the movie, thus knowing what happens during the dinner)

Abuela Alma and Abuelo Recto wanted to announce the new after the dinner, and that's why Y/n was currently fidgeting with her fingers. Dolores noticed this and went to soothe Y/n by rubbing circles on her back, and when Y/n's cousin, Rivien noticed the odd behaviour from Y/n he took her to the balcony to accompany her for a while, with the permission of Tía Rosa and his Mami Risa ofcourse.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" Rivien broke the silence "I'm nervous sa sasabihin ni Lolo." (I'm nervous of what Abuelo is going to say) "Bat ka nenervousin? Wala ka namang ginawang masama eh" (Why would you be nervous? You haven't done anything wrong) "Well yes, but i'm still worried, i have a bad feeling about his announcement." "Wag mo nalang alalahanin, halika na baka tinatawag na tayo." (Don't worry about it too much, let's go they mignt be calling us)

Just as Rivien and Y/n were going back to the dining room, the disasters had unfolded. Mariano's nose was broken, Luisa was crying, Mirabel was missing, and there was Pepa with a cloud.

Y/n silently hoped that the announcement would be postponed,
Unfortunately it was not.

Abuelo Recto gently hit his glass with a fork to get everyone's attentions. "Abuela and i have an important announcement to make." Ofcourse, everyone already knew what it was, except for the oblivious Camilo and Y/n, heck even Antonio and the other children figured out sooner! But now they were finally going to uncover the news.

They did not like the news, dislike was an understatement. They absolutely Hated the news. Camilo felt like puking, and Y/n's face was, dare i say redder than that of a freshly picked tomatoe. Not from flattery, but from embarrasment. (Atleast that's what she told herself)

What was the news exactly? Well Abuelo and Abuela had set up their marriages, now that necessarily isn't a bad thing right? Not having to worry about getting married too late, well it wouldn't have been. But they're getting arranged to the person that they hated the most.
Which was obviously eachother.

"Her?!" "Him?!" Camilo and Y/n simultaneously screeched. "What's the big problem about that? I thought you and Camilo got along well?" Rosa said to her redder than a tomatoe daughter. Y/n completely forgot about the big fat lie she told her parents, tía's, tío's and Abuelo, now she has to fave the consequences and act lovey-dovey with Camilo Madrigal.

Camilo and Y/n excused themselves, when Camilo suddenly pushed Y/n into his room.

"Are you going psychotic? What is wrong with you?" Y/n said "Well we need to figure this out! Since we're getting married in a few years we might as well put our differences aside and act mature so this would be less insufferable!" Camilo stated. Y/n opened her mouth to speak, then closed it once she realized that maybe Camilo is right. "Fine, for once your mouth actually said something that makes sense.

"Y/n, come on! Let's go home." Abuelo Recto called out to Y/n. "Well i have to get going then, but we're not friends." Y/n said.

"Yet" Camilo mumbled.

And that's a wrap :D
Word count: 750 words

Something cliché, but it's love anywayNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ