2. Who Are You?

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I closed up the shop and locked the door then started heading home. *Buzzzzzz* My phone started vibrating.

1 New text message

"Hey sweetheart, off work yet? Xx Harry"

Harry? Harry who? Oh my god. I forgot I gave him my number. My hands started shaking nervously.

"Yep. Headed home to catch a shower. Why? Xx"

I texted him back, put my phone back in my pocket, and continued walking. As I reached my building I felt my phone vibrate again.

"Hmm... mind if I join ;) xx"

Ugh. I'm not even going to bother to reply. He doesn't even know me and he's already making suggestive comments? No thank you. Even if he is delicious to look at. I put my key in the door and opened it. Desirae, Desi as i like to call her, my flat mate, was sitting on the couch with a book in her face. Although she was quite promiscuous, she was very studious as well. We became great friends almost immediately after I had met her, and then decided to get a flat together. Although her parents paid her half of the rent, so that she could focus on school, I had to work to pay mine, meaning I couldn't afford school at this point. Sigh.

I walked up the couch she was sitting on, surrounded by books and different colored binders and sat down among the ciaos. "So what have you been up to today? I mean besides what I saw this morning" I said giggling. She looked up at me and laughed, "Basically this," she motioned her head towards the books, "I live a fun life." I grinned at her sarcasm. Then she looked up excitedly, "Let's go out tonight!" She practically knocked me off the couch as she jumped up onto her feet. "I don't know, I need to shower and..." "And what?!" She looked at me questioningly, "You don't have to work tomorrow, do you?" "No..." "Well then, it's settled, we're going out." She grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards my room, and then pushed into my room and closed the door. "Take a shower and be ready in an hour!" I heard a yell while rushing to get ready herself.

I'm really not one to go out, I'm always tired and I suck at making myself look decent. But it's too late, she's not going to let me get out of this. I headed towards the bathroom and turned on the shower, letting the steam pour over the glass. I stripped and jumped inside, washing my hair and cleaning off any coffee smell I might have acquired from work. I turned off the water and reached out grabbing my towel and wrapping it around my body. I stood in front of the mirror for a few seconds until I heard my phone vibrate from the pocket of jeans on the floor. I reached down and grabbed it, opening it up to two new messages.

The first one was from Desirae,

"Do you need me to help you find something to wear, darling? Xx"

I laughed and swiftly texted her back,

"Will you PLEASE :* you know me too well xx"

The second one from Harry, I sighed and opened it.

"I'm sorry that was not acceptable. What are you up to tonight, don't be upset with me? Xx"

I guess I'll forgive his first offence...

"It's fine. I'm going out with my flat mate, how about you?"

I put my phone down and walked into my room, Desi was already rummaging through my closet and my many mountains of clothes scattered around my room. She was already dressed, in a short pink dress, with silver glistening heels, way too girly for my taste. Her long blonde hair however, was still pulled up into the messy bun she was sporting earlier. "Did you find anything?" I laughed, and she turned around holding a black curve hugging dress. I didn't even know I owned anything like that. I guess she could see the horror on my face because she looked at me deceptively, "You're wearing this, don't try and say no, because you are."

I will never understand how she can so easily read my mind. It's like we were twin sisters separately at birth. Except we looked nothing alike. She was very petite with long stick straight blonde hair, and gorgeous blue eyes. Like a life size Barbie. On the other hand, I was average height, average figured, with ridiculously curly brown hair and plain brown eyes. Now, I know I'm not ugly, but I'm not exciting to look at either. I'm just.... There. Desi left the room, and I started squeezing into the dress. Once I got it up, not bothering to even try with the zipper on the back, I heard my phone vibrate. I picked it up and saw I had a new message.

"Really? Where? We'll meet you! Xx"

Harry... Well, why not? I'm sure Desi would be happy to have two guys along with us. I thought for a few seconds then decided to text back.

"I'll text you the info, be ready in 20 xx"

I went back to the bathroom to dry my hair and do something, god knows what, with my hair.

Luckily, Desi came to my rescue and had me presentable in 15 minutes. She works wonders, that girl. While she was doing my makeup I told her about Harry and Zayn coming to meet us. She was ecstatic to have boys coming with us, "less work for her" she said. I couldn't help but laugh, typical Desi response. She took my phone and texted Harry the address, since I had no idea where anything was, even after living here over a year.

We arrived at the club, with no sign of the boys anywhere. I texted Harry,

"Where are you? We're here."

We stood in the back of line and my eyes started searching through the crowds of people. No curly hair anywhere. Sigh. I was actually looking forward to this, it'd be nice to have him be able to see me looking decent, since I was nowhere near attractive this afternoon. I jumped when I felt my phone vibrate in my bra. Yes, I keep my phone in bra when I don't have pockets, along with my money and other vital things I might need. I pulled it out and looked at the screen. "Who is it??" Desi questioned me. I could tell she was get antsy about being stood up. Even if she had never met them, she's not a girl that gets stood up and she would never accept that. "Harry." I answered her and open the messaged,

"Where? Outside? I'm coming get you."

How could he possibly be inside already? It was packed. I shifted my weight and started messing with the fringes on my dress. "Dayna?" I heard a deep voice yell through the crowd. I looked up and instantly came in contact with those gorgeous green eyes. "Damn. You were right, he is delicious."  Desi whispered into my ear. I started laughing at her response. Harry pushed the group and grabbed my wrist, I turned and grabbed Desi, and Harry towed is through the crowd. When we reached the bouncer Harry looked up at him, "Styles VIP party, they're with me." The large man raised the rope and let us through.

VIP? Did I hear that right? Who is this boy?

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