"Oh," Tonks mused, their eyes twinkling as a shouting match went on.

This pulled a gasp from the members of the meeting.



"Can we burn her painting?" (Y/n) asked in a far more calm tone. "What's stopping us from doing that?"

"Risk of the fire spreading?" Remus suggested half-heartedly.

"Are we wizards or are we cowards?"

"Okay, enough of that," Remus murmured, guiding (Y/n) back downstairs (much to her protest) as Regulus stayed behind to get the curtains to shut (it seemed to work as Mrs. Black was talking in the fondest of tones to him now).

"I don't want to! You guys are all boring!" (Y/n) protested, holding on to the polished wooden railing.

"That hurts my feelings," said Remus.

"You want to know what hurts my feelings? Not being able to see Power Rangers when it came out— Which was on my birthday, by the way. Can't go to a movie theatre here, can I? Not even TVs are here to watch VHS'!" (Y/n) clung to the railing Remus was trying to pull her away from. 

"I don't understand what she's here for," said a witch. "Is it because of her hearing or is it for Sirius's trial?"

"Both," Dumbledore answered.

"And how do we get her to shut up?" a wizard asked. (Y/n)'s mouth fell open in offence and she glared over her shoulder.

"Shut me up—?!" Remus's hand flew over her mouth.

"Don't listen to them," Remus said.

"Why're we letting a teenager handle this case?" another witch asked.

"She's the only one with access to Peter Pettigrew and Sirius's wands," Remus answered, finally managing to get (Y/n) downstairs with her arms pinned to her sides and her legs kicking wildly. "And— though this probably isn't a nice trait to have— she's good at arguing."

"Thanks," (Y/n) smiled.

"Again, not necessarily a good thing," Remus mused. "What if you're arguing over the wrong thing?"

"I'm never wrong," (Y/n) said confidently. "If I'm arguing over something, it was challenging my morals. I'm not going to argue about which type of cheese is the best when the lives of our fellow magical creatures are oppressed!"

"This again? You're just like Hermione," James huffed.

"I'm taking that as a compliment," (Y/n) shrugged.

"And what if your argument wounds up being wrong?"

"What happened to 'We don't doubt (Y/n)'?" (Y/n) frowned. Bill turned his head, laughing into his shoulder at the shell-shocked expressions of the older adults. They were surprised to hear that she heard their conversation last night.

"That's... taken out of context."

"Uh-huh," (Y/n) humoured. "If you say so. At least I know where your trust lies."

"(Y/n), who are they and why are they here?" asked Regulus, who had returned into the room with three women. His eyes never once left two of them.

"My godmothers," (Y/n) whispered back. "Why?" She rose an eyebrow at Regulus's brief wide-eyed look directed at her.

"I'll tell you after this meeting." (Y/n) frowned, her eyes narrowing with dissatisfaction. Regulus shook his head and flicked (Y/n)'s forehead. "Stop that," Regulus scolded.

"I'm not doing anything—" (Y/n) huffed and turned away, her attention turning on the meeting that had picked up. Charlie had just announced that he was getting somewhere with recruiting someone. Their meeting came to an abrupt halt at the sound of several shrieks from above.
(Y/n)'s eyes twinkled with chaos and she looked down at the digital watch she had designed herself. She tapped at a few things before her miniature mechanical spider with a singular large eye showed her what she was looking for: Hermione, Ginny, Ron, and Harry had walked right into her trap (which involved strings of honey that had triggered a bucket of baby powder to fall down on them from their respective rooms) and Fred and George were being shouted at over it.

"What the hell?" Sirius mumbled, peering up. He had barely parted from Harry.

"MUM!" Fred, George, Ginny, and Ron soon bellowed.

"What's that?" Tonks whispered.

"Spyders," (Y/n) giggled. 


"Yes," (Y/n) said. "It's a spider I can spy with."

"Oh... Oh! I get it," Tonks snorted. "Hang on... What do you need to spy with?"

"Can't trust anything these days," (Y/n) said, tapping on something and soon the cameras were shown to be crawling away. They passed an exasperated Molly as they retreated for the kitchen, slipping in unnoticed. (Y/n) crouched down and held her hand out, picking up the Spyders and showing them to Tonks. 

"Nifty," they mused. "I don't like the eye though..." They flinched as said eye blinked. "No thank you." (Y/n) hummed in acknowledgement.

"We're getting off-topic!" shouted a wizard. "What are we going to do with the girl?"

"Swear her to secrecy, perhaps?"

"Keep her as a spy?"

"Could always have her come on some missions and listen in on things..."

"Absolutely not!" Remus said instantly. "That is a child."


"Quiet, (Y/n). You aren't even a legal witch."

"What, you think I wouldn't be able to survive without magic?"

"You'd be killed the second you tried punching someone!"

"She's not even tall enough to get a good punch in, Remus," Marlene commented. "She'd throw a kick, first!" Marlene hastily added under (Y/n)'s furious look.

"Only way she'll survive," Sirius agreed.

"Sounds like a dog's trying to speak," (Y/n) jeered. James suppressed a laugh.

"Go look through the garbage or something," Sirius shot back.

"No better place than here," (Y/n) retorted. Sirius grinned at her.

"What're you on about?" Tonks murmured.

"I thought you knew I was an Animagus," (Y/n) shrugged.

"What?" the Order collectively asked.

"Ugh, you're all so behind," (Y/n) sighed, rolling her eyes.

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