Chapter Two.

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Chapter Two.

An hour and a half later, the young woman was awake and moving towards the door. Steve was a bit taken back by how fast she managed to come out of the drug that they used and not even really worried about her broken ribs anymore. More or less, she wanted to get out of there. “Why do you want to get out of here, Tera?”

She turned to look at him as she tried to open the door again. “I cannot be here when it happens,”

“What happens?” another male’s voice asked. They turned to see Tony Stark walk into the room wearing the armor of Iron Man.

“You would not understand what I am. I need to go now, my time grows extremely short,” Tera replied as she yanked open the door to find the Avenger called Hawkeye standing there. Tera growled menacingly which made everyone either armor up or pull a weapon or a shield out. “Please just let me leave,”

“Let her go, fellas or I will have something to say about it,” spoke another male voice.

Tera turned to see the patched covered face of Nick Fury walk into view. “Thanks, Nick, but I cannot get high enough in time for the change to happen without being seen. I have no choice but to make my change happen here,”

Thor and Iron Man stepped forth as Thor spoke. “How high in the sky do you need for this . . . change to happen at?”

“Beyond the clouds in the sky, I will tell you when I see it in the sky,” Tera replied.

Thor looked at Iron Man. “I can get up there faster than you, I’ll take her.”

Tony nodded as they rushed to the hanger as Thor wrapped his arm around Tera and shot fast into the sky as fast as his hammer could take them both.

Thor reached the clouds and hovered over them as Tera looked towards the sun as it started its descent into the horizon. Thor asked, “Are we high enough for you?”

He glanced at her before turning to look at the setting sun when he heard her cry before he felt her shove herself out of his grasp as she started to fall from the sky and then Tera disappeared into the cloud bank. He dove fast into the cloud bank trying to catch up to her when a creature that he never seen before emerged from the cloud bank and glided towards the Avengers’ mansion. He started to look around for Tera to find that she was no where to be seen as he headed for the hanger bay of the mansion to see the strange medium blue skin of a bat winged creature standing there.

Steve looked at Thor. “Where’s Tera?”

Thor shook his head. “She got out of my grasp and fell. I lost track of her in a cloud bank, only this strange creature was seen.”

The creature laughed. “Because I am Tera,”

The only one who didn’t look shocked was Nick Fury. He chuckled. “Seems everyone is unaware of the legendary night creatures that New York City has – the Gargoyles, they’re a pack of night creatures that live here in the city and helps protect it when they can.”

“Not when they can, Nick, we protect the city at night when the heroes of the city are off playing protect the planet gig and none are here to help protect the city.” Tera stated. “The only time we were not around to protect the city was during the attack on the world trade center buildings. My human mother lost a few friends to that attack.”

Tony asked, “Where were you when that attack happened?”

Tera smiled sadly. “I was only five years old at that time as my father and my father’s clan was in their stone state during the daytime. That is why we were not able to prevent the planes from hitting the towers.”

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