No way in hell

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You woke up the following day to Maggie knocking on your cell wall "(y/n) wake up" laughing when she peeked her head in, seeing your hair all fucked up and messy. You looked at her playfully annoyed as you quickly fixed your hair and got up, putting your bra and sweater back on, Maggie backing up so you could step out into the row to stretch, hearing your back and shoulder make a loud popping noise. Once you both got outside, you saw Daryl speaking with Rick, and you couldn't help but stare, feeling your heart flutter feeling someone nudge your side; you looked over to see Maggie smirking at you feeling your cheeks heat up, you looked down. She chuckled "go talk to him" she giggled like a schoolgirl. "I don't know..." You heaved a sigh " I don't seem his type" you shrugged, she grabbed your hand, walking you over to Daryl and Rick "hey Daryl," she smiled lightly, "I was gonna go on a run with (y/n), but I'm feeling a little sick, can you go with her?" She asked, fake coughing. Daryl rolled his eyes, scoffing before he bid Rick goodbye and started towards his bike; when you just stood there, he looked over his shoulder "ya coming," he raised a brow at you. "Y-yes!" You accidentally yelled as he chuckled at you and started walking again; you quickly followed him; he got onto his bike, making space for you as you threw your leg over and sat down. You couldn't help but blush. You wrapped your arms around him as he started the bike; you felt him tense up as he waited for Glenn to open the gate; when Daryl had enough space to leave the prison, he kicked off the dirt you left out a sound of surprise as you held him tighter pushing your chest up against his back making him blush. You both had driven into a nearby town; he kicked the kickstand down and turned off his bike; you quickly hopped off, grabbing your gun from its holster walking up to the door knocking on it to see if you could hear movement. After about a few moments, you opened the door, followed by Daryl, who had his crossbow raised to cover you; you breathed a sigh of relief when you found the place walker accessible. You put your gun back in its holster, moving deeper into the building to see what you could find "h-hey Daryl" you called quietly while putting a few cans of peaches in your bag.
The redneck grunted in response "what did you do before this" you asked softly, continuing to look around "what's it matter" he looked over at you, "I just thought..." You sighed. "I worked for a welding company," you shrugged, rummaging through drawers. He looked at you baffled before scoffing, "I mostly followed Merle around, but I used to be a mechanic specifically for motorcycles" he shrugged, looking at you out of the corner of his eye. "That's so cool!" You smiled, feeling more comfortable around him Darly blushed at your reaction feeling his stomach flip 'what the fuck?' He thought to himself, 'why do I feel like this around her' he shook his head and brushed it off. The feelings made Darly uncomfortable as he listened to you tell him a story of how you were in a shop and sneezed. At the same time, soot shot out of your nose, making a cloud; you had noticed he spaced out waving your hand in front of his face "earth to Darly, come in Daryl, do you read me" you covered your mouth with your hand making a radio sound as you giggled. Darly snapped out of his thoughts when he heard you laugh; he felt the world stop as his heart skipped a beat; he rolled his eyes, chuckling as he got up, between both of you two, you got some food, clothing you'd thought the girls of your group would like and without Daryl knowing grabbed condoms for Maggie and Glenn because you were a great friend. When you two got back, it was almost dark; you had wrapped your arms around Darly, who didn't tense this time; you rolled into the prison as Daryl shut the bike down, kicking out the kickstand as you got off the bike walking into the prison to put the stuff you found away. When you were done, you smiled at Daryl, noticing he was blushing slightly "we should go on a run sometime again" you smiled "see ya, Daryl" you walked off to your cell as Maggie was already waiting by your door with a smirk "I hate you" you giggled walking into your cell and sitting down as she laughed and went to go see Glenn.

Sunflower (Daryl Dixion x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now