Obanai's estate

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So this was only made because I was board one day and it isnt supposed to be serious so if you actually like it then I pray for your soul because this entire thing is going to be rushed and sloppy because I only really care about producing more of theese rare ships for people to enjoy since there isn't many of them out there so if you are reading this and like it thanks and giyomei is praying for you. Thats all bye now onto the story!
'Thinking'-whoevers P.O.V it is
"Talking"-whoevers P.O.V it is

At Obanai's Estate
Tanjiro's P.O.V

I woke up on the floor in a unfamiliar place,'where am I' I thought to myself as I sit up and scratch my head trying to remember what happend.
"Oh your finally awake". I heard a familiar voice say.
"Huh where am I? Who are you?". I say as I try to focus my eyes and locate the voice I heard.
"Its me, Obanai and calm down your at my estate." I hear the voice say as it approaches me slowly....

Obanai's P.O.V

I watch as the smaller boy looks around trying to take in his surroundings as I walk closer to him because I can.
By the time I get to him and sit down he has fully taken in his surrounding and realised who I am.
"A-awah o-oh hi obanai-kun I didnt realise it was you, sorry for intruding I should get going now I dont want to bother you".
I hear the smaller boy say as he gets up looking as if he was just about to leave.
"No no its fine you can stay, I was the one who brought you hee anyways". I say in attempt to get the burgundy haired boy to stay.
"A-ah okay I guess I could stay if its not to much of a problem for you". The small boy says looking and sounding a little nervous at the same time.
"Oh its getting pretty late I should start making some food" I say in attempt to start a conversation failing horribly

(And now coming to you live by your author an epic time skip to 10pm since your beautifull idiot does not know what tao put here and all her ideas dont make any sence some may call it lazyness some may call it writers block but instead of being a party pooper and discontinuing the story because I cant add anything onto a certain part I time skip past it so buh bye writters block HAHA)-out

Timeskip current time: 10:27 pm
Iguro's P.O.V

"Hey its getting late we should sleep now". I say trying to lower the akward tension between the two of us
The smaller boy just stares at me akwardly not saying a thing at all.
'Why is he stareing at me like that? Is it really that weird that im actually being nice for once? Its not that weird is it? Is he judgeing me? Is he zoning out? Is he seeing ghosts? Is he thinking back on what he said about my food earlier? Grr how dare he call my food burnt crusty musty dusty and rusty prison food! No stop thinking about the food, dont distract yourself from the topic! Is he drunk? I mean ik his sister just died but thats the entire reason im being nice, is the two things side by side whats causing him to look at me like that? Oh stfu your making no sence iguro think like a normal human.... wait... wheres Kaburamaru? Is that why hes looking at me like that? Yes that must be it!'. My train of thoughts got inturupted by the burgundy haired boy standing up, walking away from me slowly.

Tanjiro's P.O.V

"Huh? where are you going?"I heard obanai-kun say as I was about to leave.
"O-oh I was just a-about to leave, I dont want to be i-intruding any longer then I s-should" I say repling to obanai-kun's question.
"No its fine you can stay". Obanai says while staring at me.
"B-but-" I opend my mouth to protest but got cut off by Obanai picking me up and bringing me somewhere.
"U-UWAHH w-what are you doing? p-put me down!" I say in attempt to escape.
*insert intensly quirming tanjiro here*.
My quirming was brought to a hault when he threw me on something soft and comfortable.
"Shut up your being noisey". He said while laying down beside me.
"H-hah?" I say confused on whats happening, untill I look around and notice im on his bed.
(I know they dont have beds but just pretend they do)
'H-huh is obanai-kun okay hes acting reallt strange'
"Just shut up, lay down and go to sleep". He says.
I lay down and get comfortable on obanai-kun's bed but then I feel something wrap around my stomach.

Obanai' P.O.V

To prevent my little tanjiro here from escaping I wrap my arm around him and pull him closer so he wont be able to escape from me.
"H-huh uwaahh!" I hear him scream.
"Shut up and sleep already". I say in responce.
"O-okay". He says as I feel him turn around and burry his head im my chest
'Cute'. I thought.
And with that, we then fell asleep.

961 words

☪To Tame A Broken Heart☪An obanai x tanjiro StoryWhere stories live. Discover now