I tried to struggle but his grip was so tight that I couldn't break free.
He placed me on some weird looking chair, there were rockets attached to it and a clock that started to tick as soon as he sat me down.

There were wires that trapped me on this stupid chair and ruined my chance to escape.
They cut through my flesh due to their tightness, I just wanted to cry.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks and he just watched each of them drop while looking at me with a emotionless expression on his face before finally going away.
I screamed,

I screamed as loud as I could and as long as I could. It was so painful but I just wanted someone to help me get out of here, it was impossible to escape from this chair by my own.
The ticking of this clock made me so goddamn nervous, fuck..

I saw a movement from afar, this time it was really someone I knew,

Hope was pumping through my veins and my heartbeat got so loud. Just seeing her made me so fucking happy.

"There you are! What the hell just happened Dorval?!"

"I-I don't know, but please just help me get out of here!"

"Relax, I wouldn't let you sit here forever.."

She rolled her eyes and freed me from the chair. She tried to act calm but I sensed the extreme fear she felt only by looking into her eyes. She took my hand and we started looking for Aesop.
She said they just decoded a cipher together and that she knows where he is. I just said nothing and followed her, I was to nervous to say anything and just wanted to finally go home..

Veras diary

We ran and ran and finally found Mister Carl as he finished his cipher,
a few seconds later we heard another one finish, the last one. And with that a loud sound of an alarm appeared and echoed over the whole place so loudly that I flinched and put my hands over my ears. Patricia looked at us and widened her eyes,

"The exit gate!" 

She started running and we just followed.

"What gate Miss Dorval?!"

Aesop asked calmly while running.

" There's this huge gate somewhere, I saw two of them!"

We ran and ran and it didn't take long until we found one.
Luca was already standing infront of one and looked at us with slight fear.

"Please tell me you know the letters the cipher machines gave you after you finished decoding..?"

We shook our head

" FUCK!"

Vera raised a brow,

"For what do we need them?"
Luca groaned

" The goddamn code!"
he hissed at her.

Patricia sighed

" Woahh Luca calm down.."


Aesop rolled his eyes.
" Don't we all, Mister Balsa?"

Luca stepped closer to him

" Oh just shut up"

He took his eyes off of him and looked at us all again.

" Go back to the ciphers you decoded and memorize the letters, then we'll meet here again.."

He then ran away and we just all did the same. It didn't take that long but it was still frightening. Somewhere here, maybe even just a few meters next to you was a bloodthirsty killer that would tear your whole body apart if he had the chance...

Aesops Diary

We came back withe the memorized letters and told Mister Balsa one by one, while he entered them in the code bar.
Meanwhile I witnessed something walking towards us.

The hunter.

"Hurry up, he's coming.."

Patricia sighed nervously and bit her lip.

"Fuck this cannot be true, can't he fucking leave us alone!"

Balsa said while entering the code.
The hunter was now about 10 meters away from us.


Miss Nair screamed. I got anxious too, and sighed loudly, tears forming in my eyes.

He was now right infront of us and pulled out is umbrella, which was still covered in Miss Dorvals blood.
At the last second the door opened and we ran through it as fast as we could.
We did it.

We escaped.
- - - - - - - - - -

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