Crush, chip burn part 2

Start from the beginning

. . .
no one prov
( Leo run's into the door.)
Leo: Where are the robots? I ran all the way home, and I wasn't even being chased!
Tasha: Leo, the robots are gone. We just dropped them off at the recycling facility.
( Leo spit out his water.)
Leo: You what?!
Donald: Yep. They're being melted down as we speak. Don't tell anybody. They're probably toxic.
Leo: No, We have to go get them! They're not robots, they're real!
Tasha: Okay, see, this is why I didn't want those things around. He's delusional.
Leo: No. It's really Adam, Bree and Chase, Corbyn. You have to believe me. There isn't much time!
Tasha: Leo, stop.
Donald: Leo, when I was your age, I had to say goodbye to a lot of my friends. There was Lava Man and Stretch Legstrong and Jo Jo Biggs and all of his friends in the space cantina.
Leo: Those are all action figures.
Donald: More like fully poseable pieces of my heart.
. . .

Corbyn prov
Adam: That was awesome!
Bree: Great plan, Adam. Let's just hide in the recycling truck and see where we end up.
Adam: Well, who could've predicted that the recycling truck would dump us in the recycling center?
Chase: I had my suspicions. Look, we have to find a way out of this place.
Adam: Yeah, I wanna go home.
Corbyn: We can't go home. If Davenport sees us, he's just gonna try and send us away again.
Adam: Oh, right. Well, then let's just go find a new scientist/father with a high-tech basement lab and live there. You know? Done and done.
Bree: Look! There's a door right there!
Adam: Oh, come on. Well, Bree, Corbyn, you guys the fastest, so one of you should go first.
( He push us.)
Chase: You know what? There's plenty of distance between us and that. We're fine.
Chase: And by fine I mean we're all gonna die!
All scream.

. . .
No one prov

Alarm blares.
Eddy: Intruder! Intruder!
Donald: Eddy, it's just Tasha.
Eddy: Oh.
Alarm blares.
Eddy: Intruder! Intruder!
Musical ringtone.
Donald: Hello? Yeah, I'll accept the collect call from Facility X. Fitz, I know it's you. I can hear you breathing. You what?What're you talking about? What kind of an idiot doesn't know the difference between a robot and a bionic superhuman—You know what? Don't answer that question.
Hangs up.
Donald: The kids never showed up. They sent the robots in their place.
Tasha: So Leo was—?
Donald: Telling the truth the whole time.
Tasha: Eddy, where's Leo?
Eddy: Oh, he left. Something about a recycling center, neglectful parents, life and death, blah blah blah.
Donald: Why didn't you tell us any of this?
Eddy: You didn't ask.

. . .
Corbyn prov
( We try to get out if here in one piece.)
Adam: Ooh, five pockets. Hey, you guys think I should try these on?
( I throw them on the floor.)
Chase: Okay, it takes three seconds to clear the crusher. Adam, & Corbyn, if you two time it right, you can use your super strength to resist the force and we can all slide under it.
Adam: Yeah, but what if we don't time it right?
Chase: Try to time it right.
Loud whirring.
Corbyn: Now what?
Loud clanging.
Chase: Okay, once these jaws close, we have exactly 1.7 seconds to get through.
Bree: I got this. Grab on. Okay, now all we have to do is get past this fire and we're home free.
Adam: Oh, it's nothing, it's just a little— Whoa.
Bree: What are we gonna do?
Adam: Look, okay, if we're not gonna try to escape, I'm gonna go back for my jeans.
Corbyn: What if i use my rain manipulation?
Bree: Good idea!
( I wiggle my fingers so it can rain.)
Adam: Sweet. You put it out with your rain fingers.
Bree: Come on. Let's get out of here.
Adam: Leo?
Leo: No. It's Oprah. Get me out of here!
Bree: Mr. Davenport!
Adam: Hello, we are robots.
Chase: Dude, I think he knows.
Adam: Well, now he does.
Tasha: Leo!
Donald: I'll find somebody to shut it off.
Bree: There isn't enough time!
Corbyn: Guys, I have an idea.
. . .
Adam: Ah, it never gets old.
Chase: Leo. What're you doing here?
Leo: I came to save you guys.
Adam: Oh, thanks. We're good. Ha. Sweet kid.
Bree: Come on, let's do this.
Chase: Okay, Leo, hold on to Adam. We're gonna surround you and then we'll all go through it together, okay? Three, two—
Leo: Hey, what's that?
( He push the button.)
Recycler stops.
Chase: That would be the off button.
Adam: Yeah. Oh, you guys didn't see that?
Corbyn: Adam!

( I was going to atack him but Chase hold me back.)

. . .
( I geo leap my self home and what for the rest of them.)
Eddy: Oh, thank heavens! You all made it home safe and sound and ( raspberry ).
Donald: I don't know what you kids were thinking pulling a stunt like that. You could've seriously hurt yourselves.
Adam: Yeah, but you gotta admit, my robot accent was dead on.
Chase: Can we please take him back to the recycling center?
Tasha: And, Leo, why didn't you tell us that Adam, Bree and Chase were still here?
Leo: Because I was trying to protect my friends. And I'm still gonna protect my friends. That's right. You wanna send them away, you have to go through me first. It's go time, little man. It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog. There's a lot of fight in this little doggie. Come on! Uh-huh!
Donald: Leo, calm down. They're not going anywhere.
Leo: Oh, don't you— Wait, what?
Donald: Watching you guys risk your lives for each other made me realize something. Maybe I've been focusing too much on training the super human side of you, and I forgot all about the human part.
Adam: Awww. I don't get it.
Donald: You're teenagers. And bionic or not, you deserve to experience teenager things. Like school and classes and cell phones. And be in a band.
Bree: Yes! A cell phone! I'm living the dream. Whoo.
Corbyn: I can be in the band!
Donald: Yeah, you're not getting a cell phone. But what I can give you is another chance. Maybe there's a way that you can live here, go to school, and go on missions. And Yes Corbyn I know this means alot to you so yes you can join the band.
Chase: Are you serious?
Leo: So they can stay?
Donald: On one condition. No one can ever find out about your abilities. And you have to control your emotions so you don't glitch.
Chase: Done.
Adam: Okay.
Bree: Absolutely.
Corbyn: I'm in.
Donald: All right, then, welcome home.
Adam: Whoo hoo! Yeah! ...whoops!
( His plasma grenades act up and I push Leo behing me.)
Leo: He has plasma grenades? My life just got a whole lot better.

. . .
. . .

Tasha: You know, I'm just not sure about the throw pillows. They're a little plain. So, I got these. Are they too busy?
Robot Donald: No.
Tasha: So you like them?
Robot Donald: I do if you do.
Tasha: You are so sweet.
Donald: That robot may be my greatest invention ever.
Electricity crackling.
Tasha: What the...? Donald!
Adam, Bree, Chase Corbyn & Leo: Uh-oh, busted!

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