We walked to a room, I suppose Wilbur's?
Tommy knocked and Wilbur came out almost immediately. I was correct.

"You guys ready to head out"
He asked as he walked out of his room. I and Tommy nodded.
"Ciel, how do you feel?"
Wilbur asked.
"I'm alright, bit tired,"
I replied and he nodded.

I finally got the chance to see this place. The castle was huge. Just like I expected, but it was so much more. Soon enough we came across a hall full of paintings. They were mostly of Philza and the past Kings. But one caught my eye. A painting of their whole family together. Wow, didn't know it was possible to be intimidated by a painting.

"That was made a long time ago,"
Wilbur said. I looked up at him, in slight shock. Was I that obvious?
"Well, it's a nice painting, who makes these?"
Tommy and Wilbur looked at each other in confusion.
"We don't know actually? Phill just used to come home and say that he had a new painting,"
Tommy said. I shrugged my shoulders.

I guess some things aren't meant to be revealed.

Other than that, the castle was beautiful. With details on the walls, you needed to stop and look at them. I'll look through more of this place when I'm alone, that's for sure.

Before I knew it we were standing in front of a door. The door is bigger than a god damn elephant. But behind it revealed a garden. The sun, the fresh air, everything I wanted, almost like those two could read my mind. The garden extended to the outside world. Green grass was covering the ground, colorful flowers decorated the place. A tree was seen in the distance. Seemed like the best place for shade.

It is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. The shock on my face was clear as day.

"Never seen a place like this ey?"
Tommy chuckled at my pure shock.
Tommy and Wilbur both let out a laugh at the priceless look on my face. Tommy let go of my hand to let me explore. I walked in front of the two. The wind was satisfying on my clothes and body. Almost brought a tear to my eye. I smiled. A genuine smile on my face.

I turned to Tommy and Wilbur. They were smiling too. I looked up to see a balcony overlooking the garden. Phill was standing up there. We made eye contact from afar. He smiled and waved at me. I waved back energetically. Tommy and Wilbur looked at me and continue walking, me following behind.

"Does Philza just hang up there?"
I asked. Wilbur turned to me.
"Yup he's there doing work quite often"
"Seems fun"
I said and Wilbur chuckled.

It took maybe 20 minutes at least, for us to find proper shade. When we did, I was finally able to take a better look at Tommy and Wilbur.

Tommy had blond hair and bright blue eyes, like a beautiful ocean, full of life and excitement. He was wearing a white and red short sleeve shirt, with a blue cardigen over. Also a green scarf tied around his neck. Tommy also had a patch on his nose.
"How did you get hurt, Tommy?"
I asked.
"Me and Techno we're sparring and Techno slashed me across the face-"
He was interrupted by Wilbur.
"He fell on his face while running"

Tommy looked at his brother in betrayal. I chuckled which led to Tommy pouting.

Wilbur was tall. Almost impossibly tall, but I wonder what the actual fuck he was fed. Had had fluffy brown hair. He had brown almost amber eyes, like sweet caramel, they brought warmth and conform, I felt like I was home when I looked at them. Wilbur also seemed to have a good sense of style. He was wearing a white button-down and over it a blue sweater with wide brown pants. He also wore round glasses. Wonder what he needed them for.

They both seemed to have blue on them. I guess blue is the color of the empire.

They both seemed like good-looking boys. The way they acted was almost the opposite. I've just now met them and they already seemed like opposites.

They reminded me of someone. Two people.
The most important people in my life. The ones who understood me most. The people to who I would give the world. The ones I swore to protect, but I failed. I let them die. And I watched them die. And they were the ones who let me get away, with my life spared-

I felt a tear roll down my cheek, immediately wiping it away I glanced up at the two. They looked at me sorrowfully.
"Ciel, are you okay?"
Wilbur asked, it was too late to lie. I simply shook my head.
"You two just remind me of two people I knew.
"Well, if you need to talk to us you're more than free too."
Wilbur said. I nodded. I smiled at him and he patted me on the head.

"Now come on it's too nice outside to be sad!"
Tommy said as he stood up. Wilbur and I stood up with him.
"Now I think we should show you around the castle shouldn't we."
"Sound good."
And just like that, we were going back to the castle.

Everything is moving way too fast, one second I just woke up, the other I'm taking a walk with practically two strangers. It's overwhelming, I don't know how I'm supposed to just get used to this.

By the end of my zoning out, we've finished the tour. Do I think this place is nice? Yes. Will I remember any of this? No. I could spend all day thinking about this place, but we had a guest join us.

On the way to our rooms, we ran into Techno.
"Hello, Ciel I see you're feeling better."
He said. His deep voice and intimidating features startled me. But if he was Tommy and Wilbur's brother. He couldn't be that bad.
"Yes, thank you for asking Technoblade"

I didn't know much about him, it honestly seemed like Tommy was trying to steer me away from him. Did they fight? It seemed like it.

I almost feel bad. I mean if they don't have the best relationship with each other, that doesn't mean Techno is some evil monster.
Their brothers after all...

It didn't matter. I'd find it later anyway,
I just wanted to rest. The overwhelming feeling of being 'adopted' by a new family was weird. They all seem like nice people. I don't think I'll be harmed here. Plus if they did put their hands on me, I could end their whole career. So I'm not worried about that.

I plopped down on Tommy's bed. It was comfy. I need sleep, I want to sleep. A felt my eyes getting heavy and tired. And in a split second, I was in peace.

Wilburs pov~

I can't stop thinking about what Ciel told us. The poor girl misses her life. I don't know what it's going to be like for her while she's here.

We must have tried her out with all the exploring. At least she can unwind for a bit.

I'm afraid of her getting sick from the stress and pressure. That's all least what happened to me when Phill took us in. Tommy will take good care of her. I know it

Speaking of Tommy, he seemed to be half asleep.
"Tommy, you should sleep too, you seem tired"
I say while putting a hand on his shoulder.
"I guess I could get some sleep too"
He said in between yawns. He slowly laid down next to Ciel, falling asleep as fast as her.

I covered them both in blankets and left them to rest. As soon as I left I went to the nearby balcony. Unsurprisingly, Techno was up here. Couldn't blame him. It was calm and quiet. He did work all day. But why, he had free time. He used all of it for training. He deserves a break, he does.

By the time I got out of my thoughts, the entrance of the balcony, Techno slightly turned his head to me, just to turn back around.

I walked closer and leaned on the railing next to Techno. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
"Hi, Techno"
I looked at him. He simply glanced at me.
"Hi, Will"
And it was quiet again. Two brothers, who used to be practically glued together, so distant, so different. He didn't seem sad or angry. He was calm. It was nice to see him like that. It brought a smile to my face.

He turned to me.
"What are you smiling at?"
I chuckled at him.
"You seem calm. It's nice to see you relaxed and not working"
He gave a slight smile.
"Well, when you're the strongest in the family you just have to take care of some things"
He said. We laughed together, it was nice.

The silence was more comfortable now. Just like the old days. Two twins together, watching over their kingdom.

What if they find the thing they needed to reconnect again.

-Word count: 2306

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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