Chapter I

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Angela found herself laying on the ground in the middle of the woods. Blood ond dripping down her dirty face, and her clothes torn and covered in thick brown fur.

As she stood up she realized that she couldn't remember anything but simple things like her name and how to speak. But when Angela couldn't remember where she lived she had a mild panic attack. After about ten minutes of heavy breathing and hard thinking she dusted herself off and started walking east.

As Angela was walking she started to see what looked like a road and ran towards it. She was right! There was a road. Angela followed the road for what seemed like a couple miles. She saw a person, they looked firmiliar, it was...Breanna! "Breanna! Breanna!" She screamed. Breanna heard her and started running in Angela's direction." Angela! Where were you?! Half the town has been worried sick looking for you!" Breanna said. Angela could sense the slight irritation underneath all the worry in her voice.

Breanna and Angela started walking back to town. As they were walking Angela started remembering bits and pieces of what had happened last night

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 ⏰

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