Dungeon Time

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On Subarus hand is a Rusty old key almost the size of his hand.

He's currently resting on the same alley he got mugged in (Yeah, he's still dumb). Analyzing the information that popped up as he "selected" it with his mind.

Up to this point he understood a few things with his newfound ability

1. It's like a game. With levels, inventory (albeit only 10 slots) and statuses.

2. There's no skills yet. And apparently RBD(Return by Death) is not a skill

3. He can select items with his mind and also understand what they are with the info bar at top of the said item within the slot.

4: There is no HP bar, Only MP bar to which confuses him as he noticed there's a VIT stat.

(A/N: I'm gonna use * for the panel)

*Lvl 1 Dungeon Key: A key that sends the player to the Dungeon that is separate from reality.
These Dungeons have their own time. A second in the real world is almost an hour in the Dungeon.
Each Dungeon has their own bosses to which if defeated will drop items as well as a key to the next level.*

Subaru is a bit frustrated at the least. He just understood the info it gave but it didn't have any guide on how to use it. There's no option nor anything in the panel that shows how to "use" it.

"How the hell am I gonna use this then!? It's doesn't even look like it will fit any door!" Subaru said in frustration.

Then he had an idea. He stood up and went to the nearest wall.

"(Sigh) I hope this works." He said as he pointed the key to the wall and much to his surprise, an entire door made of wood suddenly appears on the wall.

"Oh yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about!" He said.

He then proceeded to unlock the door and open it only to be met with nothing but darkness.

He didn't have time to ponder though, as he heard someone he wish he hadn't heard.

"Oi! Hand over your valuables if you still want to live!"

Subaru looks at them, and smirks.

"Oh. The TonChinKan trio!"he said.

He then made his iconic pose, right hand up pointing to the sky and left hand on his hip. And with a smile, he said:

"I am Natsuki Subaru! A homeless and very broke nobody who's going to be a Great Hero!"

"""Huuhhh!?""" Was all he heard as he went inside and slammed the door.

For the trio, he looked like he just went through the wall. The door was invisible to them.

And somewhere in Lugunica, a certain red haired knight felt an odd energy and decided to check.

As for Subaru? Well he's surprised..

Not just because it worked and it sent him somewhere. It sent him to. . . .a forest on a sunny day. Definitely NOT looking like a cave or anything like that.

"This is a dungeon?" He said.

'Ah come on Subaru Focus!! Right now you're unarmed and clueless to what dangers this place ha- Wait, is that a slime?' he thought.

Approaching Subaru is a mass of blue jelly bouncing up and down. And there's a bar right above its head which read-

"Popo? That's a slime though. And it looks adorable-Oof!"

The popo jumped and slammed itself on Subarus abdomen. Although its not as painfull as he thought, it still pushed all the air out of him.

Wasting no time, popo jumped again targeting his face. Only to be met with a fist from the VERY livid teenager.


The Popo got flunged into a tree and bursts into water upon impact. Like a balloon filled with water.

"And here I thought you were cute!" He said..

+10 exp


'What was that? Wait, my status'


"Ooooohh I see. Although I didn't level up from that, it's still easy. Gotta be careful though their attacks are not that painful but if there's more of them it'll be a problem. Not to mention I still don't know why there's no HP." He said as he continues onwards.

Time skip 4 hours later
Cuz I'm getting lazy

"Damn this is hard! It's been hours of nothing but Grinding!" Said a nasty eyed teenager.

For four hours he's been doing nothing but find and punch Popos and a new Variety called Angry Popo.

Yep. There's a new one and it's pink. But he can't underestimate them though. Their attacks are twice as strong as a normal Popo. Though 2 of them dropped potions, much to his relief.

After 4 hours this is his stats:

Lvl: 12

Str: 15
Agi: 14
Int: 14
Vit: 13

Stat Points: 0

Small potionx2

"This is Grinding at hard mode but at least I'm getting stronger." Mumbled Subaru as he kept going.

Although he's complaining, he knows it's already a great boost since not only is he stronger, he's faster too. He figured out that he can allocate his stat point to either to Str, Agi, Int or Vit.

For Str if he wants to get stronger physically.

For Agi if he wants to be faster.

For Int if he wants to think faster and clearer.

And as for Vit, apparently it makes him tougher. He found out when an Angry Popo caught him off guard and struck him in the back. It didn't hurt as it should be.

" Well come to think of it, I've been doing this for hours but I don't feel tired at all. But it's good, it means I can keep on going. Wait for me Emilia, Rem, everyone. I will save you no matter what!"


Aaaaaand CUT!

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