Many Masks: Part 1

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"That's all you got? Thought you'd be a little more DANGEROUS-" Peter yelled as he was thrown by the Green Goblin

"Oh, you don't know how dangerous I can be, Spider-Man," he grinned, aiming a ray gun at him. 

Peter gave it a wary look, pinned to the wall. "You know, if that's radioactive, I've already been through that once and would prefer not to do it again."

The Green Goblin grinned. "You know, there is something more dangerous than me."

"What's that? A koala?"

"The truth."

Peter looked at the gun again, comprehension slowly dawning on his face as Green Goblin shot him with it.

"CRAP!" He yelled, and fell to the ground, unconscious. Green Goblin ran away, a giant smile on his face. "I'll let it do its work. Soon the whole world will know who Spider-Man is."

* * * * *

Peter woke up woozily. "What happened?" He looked around. "OH NO. DID I- DID I GET HIT WITH A TRUTH BLASTER THINGY?!"

He stopped. "Quick, tell a lie. Ned is my best friend." He shook his head. "I have a crush on MJ. I CAN'T LIE!"

Peter made himself calm down. "It's not going to be ok- dang truth blaster!"

He pulled his mask more securely over his face and walked out. "Ok, so first we find Mr. Stark. Yeah. He'll probably know what to do, though I'm really worried that he won't." Peter rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Let's just go."

As Peter swung away, he realized he didn't actually know where to find the billionaire. "Karen? Could you call Mr. Stark?"

"Of course, Peter," his AI responded.

"Much obliged."

Tony answered after two rings. "Hey kid, what's up?"

"Hey Mr. Stark so um I got hit with a truth ray and I know this because I tested it just like Uncle Ben taught me but less complex and I literally can't lie which means I can't lie about me being Spider-Man so could you help me?"

Tony paused. "A what now?"

"A truth ray"


"Please don't swear Mr. Stark, I don't appreciate it when people do that," Peter told him truthfully (HAHA SEE WHAT I DID THERE? Yes I did.).

Tony blinked. "Whatever you say, kid. Come to the Compound, we'll figure stuff out there." He hung up.

Peter sighed. "If Mr. Stark doesn't have something that can fix this, the world will know that Peter Parker is Spider-Man."

* * * * *

Peter swung into the compound, skidding around the corners as he ran to Tony's lab. "Where are you going in such a hurry?" Sam asked.

"To Mr. Stark's lab." 


Peter slapped a hand over his mouth, and all Sam heard was, "I guh it my a who may."

"What?" He asked, but Peter was already gone. The Falcon shook his head. "Oh well."

"MR. STARK I'M HERE!" Peter announced.

"Hey kid," he responded absentmindedly. "So what hit you? A ray?"

"Yeah it was like this ray gun thing and Green Goblin shot a blast of green light at me. I think he's trying to get me to reveal my identity."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2022 ⏰

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