The five of us kept laughing while Lily only glared at us. "You think this is funny?" "On the contrary, it is hilarious." Answered Peter. "Oh come on red, be glad they weren't dung bombs." Sirius said between fits of laughter. "Ugh you're so immature." "Come on Lily Flower, it was just some harmless fun." "You arrogant toe rag. You're the worst out of all of them Potter!"

That made all of us stop laughing, James quickly hid it but I could tell he was hurt. Lily, who was covered in bright yellow, turned to look at Snape who was covered in vibrant pink. James tried to apologise before I stopped him. I understood she was mad, but there was no reason for her to insult my friends. "Hey, why don't you go ahead to the tree and I'll talk to her." They all nodded and walked away.

"Lily." She said something to Snape, who walked away before she turned to look at me. "Look we're sorry you got caught in the crossfire, but you have to admit it was funny." I said, trying to lighten the mood. She glared at me before asking. "Why do you hang out with them?" I rolled my eyes. "We've been over this a hundred times Lils, they're actually really nice if you just..." She cut me off before I could finish with a laugh.

"Nice? Open your eyes Prim, they're reckless, immature, bullies. They're always looking for trouble and causing mayhem! They think everything and everyone revolves around them, and that they could get away with everything. You're better off without them!" Me and Lily had been constantly arguing about our choice in friends since last summer, but I had finally had enough of her always looking down on my friends.

"Well news for you, I rather have them as friends than some creepy boy who's constantly following me around, thinks he's the only one who gets to call me a friend and has a slightly disturbing interest in the dark arts!" I yelled back at her, maybe I was stepping out of line, but so was she. She scoffed. "Well at least it's something of knowledge and might be useful." Now it was my turn to scoff. "Do you honestly believe that meddling with curses and spells that can possibly kill or hurt someone is better than pranking them with puffs of colours?" Neither of us said anything.

"You know what Lily, until you can see that despite them being so reckless they're still nice lads, and until you can admit to yourself that Severous isn't really the best of friends then maybe we should stay away from each other." She glared at me again. "Fine!" "Fine!" Both of us walked away in different directions.

As I walked to the tree I refused to let my tears fall. Lily and I had been attached to the hip since we were born, but when we came to Hogwarts we started drifting apart. Same thing was happening with Petunia, and with her I could bear it, but Lily, she knew me better than anyone else. Now it feels like we are strangers.

I walked over to the boys and they could all tell something was wrong. "Are you alright Paws?" Remus asked. "I'm fine." I couldn't even hide the crack in my voice. "Really?" Peter asked. "I said I'm fine." No one said anything before Sirius turned into a dog, and jumped on me licking my face.

I fell back and started laughing. "Padfoot stop! You're drooling all over me." I said giggling. He just barked. I gave him a few pats before pushing him off me. "Off you go." I sat back up and he sat wagging his tail with his tongue hanging out. "You're so cute when you're a dog." He barked again, somehow sounding slightly offended, and we all laughed.

Sirius stayed as a dog and we ran and played out in the castle grounds for a few more hours until it was time for dinner. We sat at the Ravenclaw table, despite the fact that it is Sirius's birthday, considering my fight with Lily and the fact that she would glare at us and turn around even if we were ten metres apart.

Dinner seemed to pass rather quickly and as soon as it was over James stood up. "Well my friend even though it's no surprise we still need you to keep away from the common room for a while, but lucky you our lovely Paws here will keep you company." I rolled my eyes. "Gentlemen?" He said to Remus and Peter. Both stood up and walked away with James.

"Well Padfoot, your hour starts now. Just tell me where you'll be so I can look for you ten minutes before the hours up." Sirius slid out the bench and smirked. "Don't worry your little head puppy, I'll meet you outside the Fat Lady's portrait ten minutes before the hour is up." He said as he walked away. "I said to stop calling me that!" I yelled at him, earning a few looks from the other students.

While Sirius talked with his brother I went back to my room for my things, and told Alice all about my fight with Lily. She was always so comforting and knew what to say. We talked for a while until it was time for me to meet with Sirius outside the Gryffindor common room.

As I was approaching the Fat Lady's portrait I saw a dark figure leaning against the wall. "See I told you I would be here." Sirius said, pushing himself off the wall and standing next to me. "Shut up." I mumbled. He said the password and we stepped in.

Like every year, tons of pillows and blankets were all piled up and five sleeping bags were laid down in front of the fire. A few snacks were stolen from the kitchen and placed in little bowls. Sirius acted surprised. "Oh! This is all for me, who would have thought, it's so unexpected." We all laughed. Just like every year we talked until we could barely keep our eyes opened and we eventually fell asleep.


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Stay tuned messer and don't forget the mischief is not yet managed.

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