05 | Iniquity (Eren's POV)

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I learned to stop arguing whenever she said that because nothing seems to change her mind anyways.

"You're not my mother, Mikasa." I said, angrily.

"I never claimed to be." She asked, glancing over her shoulder at me.

"I suppose, but you don't need to follow me around everywhere and cause even more havoc all because of me." I replied, crossing my arms.

"Correct, I don't need to." She stated, looking forward.

"Then why do you do it?" I asked her.


"—Because I swore to protect you." I replied, mocking her monotone voice.

She smiled, "At least you understand, Eren." She said, softly laughing.

I sighed, "...You didn't have to punch her though." I muttered underneath my breath.

"I didn't think you would care." She averted, shrugging.

"I don't, but come on. She's new, you really didn't have to do that at all." I whispered back, even though a teeny tiny part of me does care.

"Stop complaining. I'm sure she's learned her lesson and she won't do it again." She rolled her eyes at me.

"I'm handling my own situations from now on." I said, walking away from her.

I arrived home and I went straight to my room because it's the only place Mikasa doesn't tend to follow me and watch my every move. I was so glad she wasn't living with me anymore, that would've been hell. We all pretty much lived close to each other, it just so happens that Mikasa lives a couple house down from me. She's been living with Levi for awhile now.

After a couple hours of sitting here doing my stupid homework from Mr. Smith's class, my thoughts began shifting to (Y/N), but why?

Maybe it's because you feel bad for her idiot.

I don't though.

Okay maybe a little


I argued with my thoughts countless of times, to the point a wave of guilt consumed me and I finally decided I should go apologize to her right here and now.

Luckily, Armin texted me and told me she lived a couple houses down because he saw her walking home earlier today with Jean, when he looked outside of his window. He said he gave me this information, in case I wanted to go meet her or apologize.

I don't know why he disclosed that irrelevant information to me anyway, after I told him I didn't want to be friends with her, but I might as well put it to good use and apologize to her.

Mikasa was finally inside of her house. I decided to leave while I still had the chance, before she would come outside and ask questions per usual. It was already hitting sunset, so I hurried before it got too late. I knocked on her door and stood there for a good five minutes because no one was answering.

Goddamn it! Is this idiot going to answer the door and do I have to leave?


I begin to walk away, until I finally heard the door swing open.

"Eren?" She called out.

I turned around and she was standing at the door, with a surprised look on her face. I noticed that the ribbon she wore today wasn't in her head, revealing how pretty her hair was as it fell into her face, blowing in the wind coming from outside.

Her soft hair was covering her eyes since the wind was blowing, so it was kind of hard to make eye contact with her. I looked down at her, she was shorter than I realized. She wasn't wearing any pants or shorts either, just a medium sized T-shirt that exposed her upper thighs and everything below.

Why are my cheeks heating up? Get ahold of yourself! You came to apologize to this weirdo, nothing more.

"Where's your ribbon thingy?" I asked, abruptly.

"You came here to ask me that? I take it off when I'm at home or getting ready to sleep." She answered, sheepishly.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her and I think she descried.

"Okay Yeager, what are your true intentions for coming here?" She sighed, giving me that 'what the hell do you want' facial expression.

"My intentions?" I replied back, in a question.

What does she mean intentions?

She furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head at me, in a bemusing manner.

I was starting to feel oddly nervous for some reason and I didn't even know why. Maybe it's because it's rare that I apologize to anyone, especially people I dislike.

"You're not wearing p-pants." I nervously stated, unknowingly changing the subject.

"I'm aware of that..." She replied, closing the door a tad bit more, so I couldn't see as much of her body.

"I came to say I'm—sorry! Bye!" I blurted out and ran off, before she could even say anything.

I'm such an idiot! That was probably the worst apology she's ever heard.

I walked back home in defeat because I knew that was presumably the most insincere apology I could've ever given someone. However, I managed to say I was sorry anyway—I hope it was decent enough for her to forget about everything that happened today.

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