Signs of Love

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I wanted to surprise Ash with the Pinky hoodie I found the day before. So I washed my hair and brushed my teeth, put on my hoodie, and dashed towards the common area. However, when I peered through the doorway, I noticed Kirishima conversing with Ash. Of course, I was comfortable with it because I'd known Kiri since Ash had introduced us. When I went to grab some milk, though, I realized that he was a little too close to Ash for my liking. So I kept my eyes on him, but every time I blinked, it felt like he was coming closer to her, and I was really upset, but I was a decent girl, so I didn't do anything about it and went to hang out with Jiro. After a few moments, Ash approached Jiro and me, and when I turned to look at her, I noticed a faint blush on her cheeks. I asked her about it, and she answered, "Oh, it was just something Kirishima said." I simply shifted my gaze to the television to avoid saying or doing anything negative. I spent the entire day spying on Ash and Kiri, and I soon discovered that I was envious of Kirishima because he had Ash's undivided attention. I've never felt envious of Kirishima over something like this; I've always assumed he had a thing for Bakugou, but I could be wrong; it's also impolite to make assumptions about someone's sexuality. So, to get rid of my envy, I decided to discuss it out with the other girls, making sure Ash was nowhere in or near the room because she enjoys eavesdropping on people. "So guys, I wanted you all in the common room with me because... I have an issue," I explained. Tsu inquired, "What's the matter (Ribbit)?" "So today I saw Kirishima talking to Ash and I felt... jealous of him," I cautiously explained. "*GASP* You're jealous of Kirishima, which means you love Ash!!!" Hagakure exclaimed aloud. " There's no way I like Ash right?," I say quietly. "Do you have any more signals of love?" Yao-momo inquired. "Well, she said I looked cute the week before last, which made my face feel incredibly hot," I explained. "Then it's love," Uraraka exclaimed. They may have been right, but does she love me back? The next day, I noticed Kirishima playing video games with Bakugou and Kaminari, and I felt at ease for the first time in a long time. Though I've always been at peace, I had thought that the jealousy would have faded by now, and it appears that it has. I was about to ask Ash if she had seen Midoriya because I needed assistance with my homework, but she was outside breakdancing with the other females. I had no idea she had learned to breakdance, and she appeared to be an expert at it. For some reason, I was trembling, but I was halted by Dark shadow who had scared me since he had knocked over a pan. Ash was drenched in sweat and her shirt was saturated when she came in from outside. And, despite my best efforts, I couldn't help but blush and try not to stare. Later that day, I went to my room to change for bed, and I was almost completely covered when I heard a knock on the door. "Please come in!" "Hey, before you go to bed, do you think you could help me with my homework?" "Sure what do you need help with?". It turned out she needed help with the algabra problem, which was the issue I had asked Midoriya to help me with. Thankfully, Midoriya explained how to find the answer, and I was able to help her. "Oh, that's how it works, thanks for helping Koko!" "You're welcome," I said, exhausted. "You appear sleepy, so I'll leave now so you may rest." "Thanks, goodnight!" we both exclaimed as she walked away, and I went to bed. I awoke the next morning with a terrible headache, which generally happens when I misuse my quirk, but I didn't use my quirk yesterday. So I took some headache medication and went to class. Because I was taking medicine, I was a few minutes late. As a result, I had to attend class while suffering from a splitting headache. I expressed my regret to Mr. Aizawa and sat down. I once saw Ash staring at me in class, but when I waved at her, she looked away embarrassed. Maybe she does love me back.

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