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I marched up the stairs as tears flooded my eyes; I had just gotten home from school, and it had been the worst day of my entire life. but more on that later.

I threw open my door and stomped into the comfort of my room, slamming the door behind me. I could hear my mom downstairs dying as a result of the earthquake I had just caused. That made my smile a little bit, but I immediately went back to crying as I remembered my awful day. I unzipped my designer backpack and reached for my diary to continue the entry I was working on earlier today; some other girls, the popular ones had seen me writing in it and made fun of me. I started crying, but deep down I knew they were jealous of me because my mom cared enough to buy me diary, and now my mom was dead, which made me an orphan which is 10x cooler anyway. I smiled through my tears again, but immediately went back to crying when I remembered how they had seen my mysterious quirk… this girl, she saw my eyes flash pink when I was in the boy’s locker room staring at my crush. She told everyone in the school and they all bullied me… “You’re a freak, Ocean!” They yelled…

It has been a few minutes now and it still couldn’t find my diary! My backpack is always neat and tidy, I never lose anything and suddenly my diary had disappeared… Now I was even sadder than ever, I burst into tears and curled up into a ball in the corner of my room until I dozed off.

I woke up and my lights had mysteriously gone out. I cracked my door and peered down the hallway, the power seemed to have gone out throughout the entire house. “Mom?” I yelled. Oh yeah, that’s right I had just killed her. I walked down the stairs and went to the kitchen, stepping over my mom’s dead body. I opened the fridge to get some apple juice and walked back upstairs to my room. I drank my apple juice and started crying again until something caught my eye; my bright pink designer joy on for my Nintendo switch! I smiled and wiped my tear away. I sat in front of my switch and thought for a minute about which Pokemon game to play. I just had too many to choose from, it was really detressing! I started to cry and I fainted. When I woke I didn’t believe where I was.

ocean's pokemon adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now