Sophie Deveraux

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Sophie when your Marcel's daughter and you saved Monique during the Harvest

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Sophie when your Marcel's daughter and you saved Monique during the Harvest.

"You don't have to do this, Y/N" Your dad rested a hand on your shoulders.

"Do what ?" You picked up a crossbow, it was sat on your desk.

"That sweetie. You honestly dont have to come with me" Marcel assured you

"I'm coming whether you like it or not ... They're hurting innocent teenagers, dad. We cant let them get away with it. I have the same authority in our city as you do, let met help" You pointed out to him.

"And I know you just want to help. But it could be dangerous tonight" He rests his hand on yours that held the weapon.

"God, your really your father's daughter, arent you kiddo ? You can come with me but try not to to getting yourself killed -" He sighed as you hugged him tightly.

"I love you - I promise to be careful" You smile over at your father.

"Meet me at Rousseau's at eight" Marcels instructions made you nod.

"Okay, thats fine. I will see you after I get home from school" You kissed his cheek.

"See you tonight, sweetie" He reluctantly let go of you and you left the loft.

That evening ...

"Guys, listen up" Marcel stood ontop of a car and tried to get his teams attention.

The group of seventy when continued to between themselves.

"He said listen up !" You shoot a gun into the air to get the groups attention.

They fell silent, highly afraid of the New Orleans princess who unfortunately was holding a weapon.

"Okay, then ... I want twenty of you to do the usual round. Twenty-five of you will help is raid the cemeteries and the other twenty-five will stand by" Marcel order's his group of men.

"Chop chop. We dont have all night" You stood by your fathers side.

You pocket your gun, knowing that your vampire abilities will help you to defend yourself whilst in the cemetery.

"I thought that youd brought a crossbow with you" Marcel examined your hand's, that are currently empty.

"Oh that dad ... Yeah I did but I gave it to one of the new night walkers" You shrug your shoulders in response.

"How the actual hell are you planning to protect yourself without a weapon ?" He raised an eyebrow in concern.

You pulled your gun out and waved it in the air.

"I have this and Im a vampire" You point out as Marcel sighed in defeat.

"Be careful. I'll be in stand by incase you guys need me" He started to walk away.

"Move, now !!" You shout at the group of men who happen to fear the idea, of you with a weapon in your hands.

The gang of vampires stormed the witch cemetery and you'd sneak into it around back.

"Vampire arent aloud on witch grounds" An witch hold her hand up and casted a blood boiling spell on you.

You groaned, falling on to your knee's as the pain from the spell finally hit you.

"What is to say that I wasn't a distraction for my kind ?" You mumbled as scream's erupted from the Harvest ceremony.

"You wont stop that ceremony - You'll be dead before you get there !" She tightens her hand and ups the spells anti.

"Say's the mortal witch" You scoff as you used your vamp speed to snap her neck.

You rushed out into the fight, scanning a scene that was covered in blood.

"Dammit. Where the hell's Davina Claire or Monique Deveraux ?!" You grabbed a male witch by the back of his neck.

"I don't know - More than likely about to get slaughtered" The man murmured.

You threw him against an grave, making sure you heard the cracking of his skull.

That's when you saw Monique Deveraux who's knelt infront of a elder women.

"Monique, run !!" Someone shouts at the young girl but she was frozen, unable to make her body move.

You vamp sped through the large crowd before snapping the elder witches neck.

"We need to get out of here" You offered your hand out to the girl.

"She was in shock ... She won't be able to move" Sophie joined the two of you.

"Who the hell are you ?" Your fang's had started to extend to defend Monique.

"Chill out. She is my aunt" Monqiue taps your shoulder to indicate to the girl.

"Sorry. We need to go, now ! It's not safe, they want Monique dead and they won't stop until they do ..." You gestures to one of the nightwalkers that you need help.

"Take them back to our loft. My dad may arrive soon with Davina" You instruct.

"Of course Y/N. I'll make sure that theyre comfortable" The man assured you.

"Thank you. Whats your name ?" Sophie grabbed onto your arm tightly.

"I'm Y/N Gerard but that doesn't matter - he'll take you up to my loft and help you get comfortable" You hug her quickly.

"Thank you, again" She smiles at your as two nightwalker vamp speed them both, over to yours and Marcel's place.

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