chapter 1: Niklaus and Elijah

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24th march 1491

My name is Katerina Petrova I am a trapped soul, a girl looking for affection. I arrived in England to escape my father. I was introduced to a fine gentleman today, his name you may wonder is Elijah Mikelson. "Hello," I said in an orderly manner, looking at him I felt allured as if I'd seen him before. He took a deep breath and looked into my eyes with respect, I couldn't help but feel special. The way he looked at me, it was as if he'd been looking for me all this time. "forgive me you remind me of someone" he said with such a provocative manner. He held his hand out for me so delicately like a china tea set. I placed my hand on top of his, his skin was pure although warm and soothing. "pleasure my lord," curtsying, bowing my head to look at his shoes they were rich leather and a deep brown. Expensive to say the least. He gently kissed my hand and looked sparingly into my eyes. Throughout the whole night, he bickered about this fond host I offered to meet. He appeared to be running late, walking through the crowd I could feel how close his hand was to mine it had a warm aura about it.

Hearing the loud thump off this mysterious guy's shoes I could tell he was the one I was waiting to meet, I turned my head towards the staircase as Elijah looked to the ground and held his hand behind his back away from mine like he was scared or frightened of something. The guy barged his way through the crowd. Anyone could notice him. He was considered perfect. I stood tall from my slouched position hoping it would spark some politeness. The crowd cleared, there he stood smiling with compassion. Elijah went stiff breathing more heavily at this point. "Katerina, may I introduce you to the lord Niklaus." My eyes opened wide, I looked up at his face and greeted him with the lady manner. "call me Klaus." he introduced staring into my eyes not blinking with a faint smile on his face. I was shocked at how well he kept it together, his posture, the tone in his voice, and his impeccable soft yet reckless personality which I weirdly liked. "where have you come Katerina?" he questioned. His voice was fast like he had something to do. I took a deep breath and spoke with clarity "I'm new to town my lord."

"Katerina is from Bulgaria." Elijah cut in noticing I was stuck on where to look or what to say. Klaus said something Bulgarian making me less nervous than I was. "very good." I laughed impressed by his impression. I quickly glanced at Elijah he had a smile on his face knowing we were getting along. "do you mind brother?" his tone changed more up straight and tight. The way he said it wasn't like an ask but more like an order which made me confused at first but I shook it off. I knew Elijah didn't want to leave which was unsettling but I put on a brave face and walked alongside Klaus as we walked out. Klaus took me upstairs, it was glamorous, he knew the place well and we talked for hours, at this point I felt safe. He helped me up from my seat and traced his hand against mine. I gulped looking into his eyes. "you okay my love?" he uttered under his breath, his voice was smooth now calmer like he was in control and I was okay with it. "yes." I said short and simple. He kissed me. I didn't move away, that night, for the first time in a while I felt it, peace.

I woke up expecting him to be next to me, he wasn't. I looked around the room and saw the door was ajar, my eyes ached trying so hard to keep them open wondering where he was. I stood up with the sheets wrapped around me, I peeped through the door, the corridor was cold and silent. a wave of sickness came over me. I was nauseous I sat down back onto the bed with my hands to my head.

The nurse was nice she too was here for an escape. To say the least, I was pregnant. I needed to tell Klaus but he was no were to be seen. I caught up with Elijah on the way down. he surprised me, we took a stroll outside it was warm yet breezy. messing about we became quite fond of each other nevertheless friends, making me forget about the news the nurse has said. we sat on this concrete bench against some flowers in a garden it was beautiful and filled with little joyous moments. Elijah was such a gentleman for entertaining me probably taking pity on me as I was alone.

"I wanted to tell Klaus something but he never returned from the night," I said without hesitation. I trusted Elijah he was loyal, sensitive as I. "Klaus does not live by any rules as his own," he stated looking annoyed like bringing up Klaus was a bad idea. I looked to the floor, the grass was perfectly cut. "is it wrong to want more?" I said trustingly. he became comfortable moving closer to me. He looked at me, oddly sad. I carried on "true love is not real unless it is returned do you agree?" I was scared I was making him uncomfortable as he didn't move a muscle and froze. finally, he came out with the words "I do not believe in love Katerina." I was surprised and confused, I shook my head with a sad smile "if we cease to believe in love, why would we want to live?" I expressed. he smiled and leaned in.

a ruffle of footsteps took us off guard "what do I interrupt?" a voice said it was Klaus. Elijah stood up sharply and sighed pulling down his jacket looking up at Klaus like he was a soldier. I stood up slowly and looked at him with a smile. it quickly dropped when I realized his shirt was coved in red stains. blood. I was confused and lost in the thought"what has happened?" I said concerned. "the wrong village picked a fight." he conceited. I looked at him with disbelief, he didn't notice. I wasn't scared I was worried. regret flashed me. he looked at me confused and took my arm walking off with me. I was annoyed. my chance of telling him about the baby was ruined. I hid my feelings. Elijah saw me walking off he looked worried. I turned back, Klaus's hand had moved to my waist pulling me closer. it made me forget all my worries until I smelt the scent of blood on his shirt then it came flooding back. " I can't do this." my eyes watering. I ran off into the woods. how could I bring up a baby with a father like him?

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