chapter 1: him.

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"WAKE UR ASS UP KENZ", Maddy screamed from down the hall, i get up and check the time '11:45am'. SHIT i told fez i'd meet him at 12. apparently fez had a friend he wanted me to meet today, i hate meeting new people. I rushed around to get ready as quick as possible, threw on some clothes, just some ripped jeans and a crop top, brushed through my hair quickly and slipped some shoes on. "bye, i'll be back for tea", i shouted to my mum as i left.

I was finally at fezco's shop, i only saw fez, where's this "friend". "KENZZ", "FEZZ", i've not seen him in ages. "how u been?", fez asked, how do i tell him i've not been doing well... "alright could be better but i'm ok", i lied. we talked for a bit, smoked a bit, drank a bit before someone started walking into the shop... wow he was so hot, he looked pretty young maybe about my age not sure. "Kenz this is ash my brother, ash this is Kenz she's like a little sis to me". wow fez has a brother.

"hey Kenz", ash said with a slight smile, i already know i like this boy, "hi ash", i said with a big smile. me and ash spoke a bit and got to know each other, he seems like a good lad, i really like him. my phone started ringing, it was Maddy. "hey kenzie, mckays having a party tonight and we're going, get ur ass home and get ready" maddy shouted i could tell she was already drunk, "ok see u soon", i replied, i can't be bothered with this. i hung up and turned to fez and ash both staring at me waiting for me to speak, "maddy wants me to go to this party tonight i've got to go but i'll message u later fez". i wish i could stay and talk to ash some more. "ok see you soon kenz", fez replied and i turned to ash, "nice to meet you ash, hope to see you again soon", he just smiled at me. god i think i love him.

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