Ben and other guys

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As I previously said I don't feel "things" easily, especially nice ones- but I'm not totally immune from a bland mixture of sadness and frustration when I don't get what I want. Today was one of those days when I felt that "lovely" combination of emotions. I was super upset for my song streams ( definitely better than the first period of the competition last year ) but still low. Before I continue, let me explain you, a few things.
Social media still exist, they survived for a thousand years ( incredible really ) but people in the Sections are not allowed to use them. Only people of Aetherea and Eatherea are allowed to, they're the only ones who can appear on tv, talk on the radio and post on social media.  Us "normal people" can have personal accounts on social media to follow them and see what they  post, but can't post anything our own. The only social where we're  allowed, to post just a profile personal picture, ( that we can change periodically though ) is a messaging app, called Roots. Nothing else.
So why am I caring about my song streams if I'm not allowed to post it anywhere, you might say.
Well as I said, getting in one of the Two Mystic Cities is extremely difficult- but not entirely impossible.
There are yearly chances of getting there as a model, a sport athlete, a singer or an actor ( will explain to you later how it works for other categories that are allowed to live in the Cities ).
I've always been interested in being a singer, music and performing have always been big passions of mine. Sadly, I can sing and do music just as an hobby in Section 2- the only way to transform my passion into a real job is:
- One: winning the yearly singing competition held by Aetherea in each Section.
-Two: winning the online yearly competition for most streamed song held by Eatherea in each Section. Just for this competition people from the Sections who intend to participate are allowed to upload one song in an apposite site, where streams are counted and the competition takes place.
You can choose only one competition a year, so you can choose only one City for time. This is the third year I partecipate in one of the two competitions ; the first year I tried the live singing competition held by Aetherea, the second time I tried the online competition of Eatherea. This year I'm trying again the online Eatherea competition- only one person for each Section passes. So chances are really, really low. I know it- but I can't stop trying, I have to ( at least while I'm young ).
There are a lot of rumors, actually, circulating - that those competitions are rigged... some people, even, say they never actually choose anyone from the Sections, people that pass the competitions are people of Aetherea and Eatherea that pretend to participate.
Now, look.... I've never been and will probably never be one of those people easily guillible people, those optimistic people who don't want to see how things really are, but I have a few evidences, I know a few cases of people from Sections  who really passed one of the competitions. That gives me a brief hope, that tells me that... even if chances are so low.... there is hope. Maybe statistics would indicate a 0,001% possibility of making it as a normal person- but it's still a possibility and I have to try. I just can't give up.
People from the Sections who passed in the last years are AnnaLee, a now very famous singer who won the Aetherea live singing competition, circa 15 years ago; Jason Iron , a guy that won the Eatherea competition 9 years ago, although not meeting great success after that ... and finally, the guy that has given me the most hope and strength to keep trying these past three years: Corey Bright.
Corey is just two years older than me and he is from Section two too; he also passed the online Eatherea competition and since "landing" in Eatherea he met immediate success, becoming a part of a now super popular group called Diamond. And he is just stunning, one of the only guys who could really make my heart beat, he has perfect black hair, pale skin and big dark eyes. He looks like a dark angel and has the aura of a prince, and he's just so talented. It's not like I just have a crush on him... I also admire and look up to him so much.

"Bzzz" "Bzzzz" the vibration of my phone notifications bring me back to planet Earth, Section 2, Ranagade Street. I open up my phone lazily, afraid that I will check my song streams against my will, too curious to resist.
A message notification on Roots shows up. It's Ben...
"Hey, come to my place this evening 😉😂?"
I would really prefer not to, but....

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