Chapter 21

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"Ta'hyla"! " Ta'hyla!" " Huh?" " Girl pay attention, now!" coach screamed. " Yo girl, wake up, shit!" Jade stated. " My bad yo, I got this." It was game day vs Weaver. Although Asia and Angie Freckler were gone, the Bethel- Weaver rivalry continued. The Bruins were down 15 points, with 5 minutes left in the 4th quarter. Ta'hyla was getting distracted, due to a lot on her mind. The heckling crowd at Weaver, definitely wasn't helping. " You guys have to keep moving the ball!" " Don't stand in one spot and hold the ball, it's a wasted possession!" coached instructed.  " Now come on, y'all, this game is winnable ok?" " Bruins on 3... 1-2-3 Bruins!" As the huddle broke, coach summoned over to Ta'hyla. 

" Ms. TT, are you okay?" Ta'hyla sighed " Yeah coach I'm straight yo." " You sure?"  " Yes coach I'm fine, please." " You're not pregnant are you? "  " What?!" "No!" Okay, I'm just asking." " Just get out there on the floor." Ta'hyla was anxious, trying to figure out a way for her team, to come back.  Bethel received possession. Ta'hyla dribbled up the court calling the play. She passed it to Chelsea, who hop stepped into the low post, raising up for  hook shot. She made it, after it kissed off the glass. 

Possessions later, the Bruins had cut the deficit, to just 8 points. Ta'hyla stole the ball off a Weaver bad pass, raced up the court, for an easy bucket.  Bethel used the old fashioned half court press, annoying Weaver's offense.  One of the Weaver players, dribbled the ball out of bounds " Bethel ball! screamed the ref.  " Time out!" ordered Weavers coach.  

In Bethel's huddle, coach was pleased, but still adamant on the team's play. " Listen, you ladies are doing great, just don't turnover the ball." " Jade stay open, out on that perimeter, don't let up."

"Got it coach." Jade obeyed." Alright then, Bruins on 3.... 1-2-3 Bruins!  The bruins inbounded the ball to Ta'hyla. She dribbled up the court looking for Jade to come off the screen. The Weaver, defense was hedging her, so she couldn't get free.  Ta'hyla then, took matters in her own hands, by driving the lane up the middle, and launching up a floater. Swish!  " Alright Tahyla  baby, good shot! Later, Bethel cut the lead down to just 4 points. Ta'hyla dribbled the ball at 100 miles per hour as usual. " Ok, slow down girl, play it smart." Ta'hyla thought, being more passive. 

" Grey Virginia!" she screamed out pointing to Jade. Jade got loose of a Weaver defender, cut to the basket, and scored off a bullet pass from Ta'hyla. The Bethel fan section cheered loudly, after the fundamental play.  After, Chelsea ran down the floor on a fast break, jumping up and blocking a players lay up off the back board. " Get back!" " Get back!"  directed coach. Ta'hyla completed a bounce pass to Mary, who scored on a finger roll. The section was now in an ear screeching frenzy. 

The game was now tied with 40 seconds left in the 4th quarter. Weaver coach was steaming mad. " Fucking holy hell!" he hollered. " Time the fuck out!" Back in the Bethel huddle, coach was anxious at trying to win the game for good. " Alright, great hustle."  " We got to put the clamps on those fools, never let up!" " Jade keep doing your thing, Chelsea, Sarah, Mary protect that paint, and make them commit an offensive foul." " Come on y'all, we can do this." " Bruins on 3..... 1-2-3 Bruins! 

Weaver inbounded the ball. The point guard was stymied by Ta'hyla's defense. She ended elbowing Ta'hyla in the chest at the 20 second mark, making her fall to the floor. Of course, Ta'hyla flopped a little bit, however the ref blew the whistle with fury, pointing the other direction. Ta'hyla looked up at the clock..... 20 seconds left..... She received the ball, after the inbound pass. She dribbled up the court anxious, but tried to focus. 

Jade was getting smothered ,and Chelsea wasn't in the right position to get the ball. The clock had winded down to just 10 seconds. " Damn, make a decision yo!" Ta'hyla thought to herself. "Before the defense could close out on her, she used her deceptional quickness, by launching a floater swiftly. The ball bounced on the back of the rim, twirling around the rim, eventually falling through the net at the buzzer.  The Bethel section went crazy, while the Lady Bruins all toppled on Ta'hyla.   

"Yes! "Yes!" " That's what I'm talkin bout bitch!" screamed Jade in excitement. Later,  in the locker room, the girls were feeling euphoric. " Hey!' "Hey!" coached barked. " Hell of a game y'all played." she now smiled. " Yeah coach we did that!" exclaimed Jade. " I mean of course, Ta'hyla deserve all the credit for hittin the game winner." Ta'hyla then shrugged. " Well... we all played collective defense, so can't take too much credit." 

" Ah don't be modest girl, without you, this team wouldn't be near as good." Chelsea interjected. " Well y'all played great down the stretch." " I'm so proud, no practice on Monday!" coach explained. The team screeched in excitement. " Whoo!" "Hoo"! " Alright scram!" 

" Hey Ms. Sprewell, a minute." " Sure wasup coach?" "  You showed guts out there." " Yes I know, it sounds cliche, but flex is what I want in my point guard." Ta'hyla seemed pleased. "Word I agree, yo."  " Who knows, maybe a powerhouse school might offer you a scholarship, if you keep it up." coach now tapping her finger on Ta'hyla's nose.  Afterwards, while still in the locker room,  Ta'hyla decided to call Julissa to tell her about the compelling victory. The phone rung for about 5 seconds before someone picked up. 

" Hello?" Julissa sounding sullen. " Hey girl, why you sound down?" " Look we won, and I hit the game winning shot." " Yeah, that's cool whatever." Julissa said irked. Ta'hyla frowned. "Damn girl, why you actin up?"  " Cuz I'm sick of you, treatin me like a damn child!" " I don't need a new mom!"  " She be dead!"  " I think it's best you leave me be, aight!?" Julissa shouted. Ta'hyla was taken back, She never experienced  Julissa snapping. " Ay Ju it aint even like dat yo." " 

" We like sisters." " I'd never disrespect."  Julissa was now infuriated. " You just don't fuckin get it do you?!" " You disrespect me all the time by putting me down, some times in front of others!" " I'm sick of it!" Ta'hyla exhaled rubbing her forehead. " Ju, stop and think, who has been there for you?" " Who always had yo back?" " Puttin you down would be like, running a puppy over in the  street..... " Name me one person, beside yo dad, who still loves you, unconditionally?" Julissa remained silent for awhile before blurting out.... " Loochie."  " What?!" Ta'hyla grimaced  half surprised, half disappointed. 

" You heard right bitch!" " I don't have to fuck him to get gifts or attention either, unlike some people!" " Matter fact, when is the last time you gave me some money?" Ta'hyla rolled her eyes. " Life aint about money..... " Oh, easy to say when you made so much on them corners, and got a fiance who is the black Tony Montana!" " Good bye TT!" " Leave me the hell alone!" Julissa then hung up abruptly " Oh.... wow." Ta'hyla thought while folding her arms, processing what transpired.

Later Tango and Ta'hyla were at their favorite restaurant Giovanni's. The two were eating being silent. Tango peered over at Ta'hyla, twirling her fork. " What's wrong pooh bear?" he asked touching her hand. " I don't know........ I--- never mind."  Ta'hyla sighed. " Nah fuck dat, speak up mama." " Ever feel like, the person you knew for so long, gave a true insight on how they really are?" 

Tango gulped his water. " Of course...... "Why?"  "Trouble with Ju-Ju?" " Yeah she feel like, I make her spineless." " Hmmm... Crazy, cuz I'm goin through the same thing with Loochie ass." " Oh damn I'm so tired of hearin that name."  Ta'hyla thought. " Oh really?" What he do now?" " Nah, he think I don't cut him in, with certain deals." " He stopped answering my phone calls too." " Oh well, fuck it, I ain't losin no sleep." " If he ever get outta line, his ass is mine."  Ta'hyla then started wondering, if she should tell Tango, about what happened the night of the party. 

However, in Ta'hyla's mind, her battles with any enemy were her own,

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