1. Truck-kun Was Not Involved, But Rather A Child

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He died

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He died.

It was rather easy coming to terms with that, honestly.

It was not, however, easy to come to terms with the way he died.

It was embarrassing, disappointing, all kinds of horrid that his life ended because a child kicked a ball too hard.

He rubbed his forehead angrily. He swore that he was going to kill that damn kid once he got out of this dark, cramped abyss he had been stuck in for who knows how long.

'Stupid brat... Just wait until I get my hands on you...'

He spun lazily in midair. This whole dead thing was getting rather boring. He wondered if this was Purgatory or Hell, if there actually was one.

He aimlessly flailed around, his movements were slow and sloppy as if he wasn't able to control his limbs properly.

He peered down, looking at his hands as if it was the first time he'd seen them. The burns were gone. So was the horrid growing heat on your body.

He blinked, 'Burns? What burns?' He shook his head and dispelled the thought immediately.

'I really get my shit rocked by a five-year-old this badly, huh.'

And then, for a quick second, a muffled voice echoed in the distance.

He looked up. The voices were back again, mudded from beyond his sight and coming from beyond the walls of the dark he was trapped in. There was one voice he would hear very often, while the other popped up from time to time. The voices had gotten clearer the longer he had been stuck here. He would hear them talk along with other voices but he could never understand what they were saying, almost as if they were speaking in another language.

He squirmed, the longer he had been in this dark place the more cramped it had gotten. He wanted out and he wanted it now.

A voice started up again and he kicked in its direction before using the rest of his limbs to push at the tight bubble he was stuck in.

The voices went quiet.

~ * ~

Fugaku felt himself uncharacteristically shake when the nurse finally came out of the room.

Everything had started so suddenly after his child had kicked him when he had pressed his ear against his wife's stomach.

And now, it was official.

Uchiha Fugaku, despite the calm facade he kept on, felt like the happiest man alive.

"Congratulations, Uchiha-san," the midwife said smiling, "You have a healthy baby boy."

Fugaku didn't pay heed to her words, too busy trying to process what he would see once he got past the door that kept him from his wife and newly born child

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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