"Alright. You annoying brats, as you know the team battle is coming up real soon and I'm looking forward to seeing some of you getting your ass beat." He explained, drinking what seemed to be hot tea.

"That means I want you all to prove yourself extra hard—without getting your uniforms dirty and this room better be spotless before we head out to the field—especially you Sasha, with your inadequate eating habits." He said, scolding her.

He sighed, "...I've also noticed, we have a new student. Why don't you come up here and introduce yourself?" Levi's attention soon focused on me, along with everyone else's.

No, please no. I hate this.

I awkwardly got up from my seat and walked towards the front of the classroom. My stomach was turning into knots, as I saw nothing but pairs of eyes, staring at me. I didn't know what to say or where to start, so I was just gauchely standing there like a dumb ass.

"Well?" He replied, motioning me to start.

"I'm-I'm (Y/N), though some of you know that already. I-I don't know what to say, this isn't an interview." I shrugged, looking over at Levi carelessly.

I saw some of my classmates snickering like Sasha and Connie, but others were staring in shock. I didn't know why, I don't think I've said anything wrong or funny.

He hummed impatiently, "I see you're not one to hold back your thoughts. What school were you from?" He asked, curiously.

I have to lie! No way in hell am I gonna tell everyone I've been home-schooled my entire life. I'm sure they'd laugh at me.

"I'm from...M-Maple high school." I blurted out nervously, thinking about those pancakes I ate this morning.

"Is that even a thing?" He asked, suspiciously.

"Sure it is!" I cheered sarcastically, hoping he'd let me sit down now.

"Go sit down, you giddy brat. Anyways, like I've stated before, cleaning is very important. If you don't clean, you'll get dirty and if you're dirty, that means you have germs and germs make you sick. Tch—so disgusting." He frowned, leaning against his desk.

I sat down blocking out Levi, as he was rumbling on about how cleaning was essential. He was serious about keeping everything tidy, it came to me that he was most likely the one who had this room looking spotless. I wonder how long it even took him, for it to be this clean.

"Without further ado, I'm announcing today's pairs." He began to explain, as he picked up a piece of paper that was laying on his desk.

"I hope it's Eren." Jean said whispering to himself, clenching his fist tightly.

"You need to see it first hand when Jean gets laid out." Connie said, turning around to face my direction.

"Pair one, Sasha and Ymir."

"Pair two, Historia and Armin."

"Pair three, Bertholdt and Reiner."

"Pair four, Mikasa and Hanji."

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