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Welcome to yet another Naruto fanfiction- this one with actual content lol

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Welcome to yet another Naruto fanfiction- this one with actual content lol.

There will be obvious changes than from canon- this book canon divergence and I'm mostly just doing this for my own fun.

Since writing Y/n takes get tiring really fast, the reader-insert in this story will have a name, but will still be considered as the reader.

Half the shit that goes on in this story doesn't make sense so just go with it as 'Things that don't make sense in fanfiction but it's a fanfiction so just go with it'

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And when he stepped back from the small bundle that was his brother, shaking and eyes burning red as his mother gasped, he knew.

Uchiha Ichirou is living in a manga where he is the elder brother of his future killer.

Uchiha Ichirou is living in a manga where he is the elder brother of his future killer

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